Agenda item

Housing Revenue Account - 30 year Business Plan Budget 2016/17 Rent Setting and Service Charges and Temporary Accommodation Rents

To receive the joint report of the Directors of Health, Housing & Adult Social Care & Finance, Resources and Customer Services presenting for approval the revenue estimates of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) for 2016/17 and the updated position on the HRA 30 year business plan.

(Report No.172A)

(Key Decision – Reference No. 4174)


Members are asked to note that the recommendations in the report were endorsed and approved for recommendation onto Council by Cabinet on 10 February 2016.


Councillor Oykener moved and Councillor Brett seconded the joint report from the Director of Regeneration and Environment and the Director of Finance, Corporate Resources and Customer Services (No:172A) setting out the proposed detailed budget for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA)or 2016/17. 




1.          That the recommendations in the report were endorsed and approved for recommendation on to Council by Cabinet on 10 February 2016. 


2.          The report had been prepared in the context of the Government’s Welfare Reform and Work Bill and Housing and Planning Bill which were progressing through Parliament.


3.          The HRA budget and 30 year business plan had been rebalanced taking account of the proposals introduced by the Government in July 2015 to reduce social rents by 1% per year for 4 years from 2016/17.


4.          Only minor amendments have been made since November 2015 when Cabinet approved the updated 30 year HRA Business Plan. 


5.          Thanks to officers for all their work on these proposals.


6.          Since 2010 the Council had spent £206m on refurbishing council stock and £7.5m on efficiency bills. The Administration had promised to build £10,000 homes in its Manifesto and was on target to do so. 


7.          Whilst supportive of some of the recommendations in the report (2.1 d,e,f,g,h, and 2.2) concerns were raised by the Opposition Group regarding:


a.          The fact that the Government’s proposals for “pay to stay” and the “sell off” of high value housing stock had not been taken account of in the 30 Year Plan.


b.          The large increase in leaseholder charges


c.           The Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme and the ability of the authority to complete the current developments in the light of lack of progress on the small sites programme.


d.          The lack of detail on the proposals for the Council’s own housing association. 


8.          In response to the concerns raised under 7 above the Cabinet Member for Housing and Housing Regeneration reminded members of the progress made by the current Administration in developing and implementing the rebuilding strategy.


Following a period of debate the recommendations in the report were put to the vote and approved as follows:




(1)    To approve the Housing Revenue Account 30-Year Business Plan.


(2)    To approve the detailed HRA Revenue Budget for 2016/17.


(3)    To approve the HRA Capital Programme and Right to Buy (RTB) One for One Receipts Programme 2016/17 to 2020/21


For: 33

Against: 0

Abstentions: 19


The remaining recommendations were approved unanimously, as set out below:


(4)    To note the rent levels for 2016/17 for HRA properties (subject to the Welfare Reform and Work Bill receiving Royal Assent in April 2016) and Temporary Accommodation properties.


(5)    To increase rents for sheltered accommodation tenants in line with Government guidance.  This would result in an average increase of 0.9% for Enfield’s Sheltered Accommodation tenants.


(6)    To approve the level of service charges for those properties receiving the services.


(7)    To note the heating charges for 2016/17 for those properties on communal heating systems


(8)    To approve of the proposals for increases in garages and parking bay rents


(9)    To delegate authority to the Cabinet Member for Housing and Housing Regeneration and the Director of Regeneration and Environment to approve tenders for Major Works.

Supporting documents: