Agenda item

Adoption of Enfield Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule

To receive a report from the Director of Regeneration and Environment seeking Council’s formal approval of the adoption of the Council’s Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule operational as of 1 April 2016.

(Report No.198A)

(Key decision – reference number 4247)


Members are asked to note that the recommendations in the report are due to be considered for endorsement and recommendation on to Council, at the Cabinet meeting to be held on 15 March 2016. 


The decision made by Cabinet on 15 March 2016 will be reported to Council on the update sheet tabled at the meeting. 


Councillor Taylor moved and Councillor Chibah seconded a report (Report No:  198A) from the Director of Regeneration and Environment seeking the Council’s formal approval to the adoption of the Council’s Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule operational as of 1 April 2016. 




1.               That the recommendations in the report were agreed by Cabinet on 15 March 2016 with the adoption of regulation 123 List and the adoption of the instalment policy referred to Council for final approval. 


2.               Concerns of the Opposition Group in relation to:


·       The differential CIL rates which were seen as detrimental to development. 

·       The view that the levy had been set too high: that it would be seen as an additional tax which would deter development in the borough. 

·       By excluding Meridian Water from the levy, other building projects would be subsidising its development. 

·       The delay in implementation of the CIL, which was felt to have cost the Council revenue.  

·       The reluctance of the authority to use its compulsory purchase powers for Meridian Water, and the delays to the Meridian Water project as a whole. 


3.               Support for infrastructure development, for building strong communities and economic growth and helping to address inequality.


4.               The view that CIL will enable the pooling of money for a broad range of projects. 


5.               Exempting Meridian Water from the levy had been agreed after careful consideration and on the advice of independent experts, a device that had been successful in neighbouring boroughs. 


6.               Levels would be reviewed after two years, to test its economic viability. 


7.               The view that there was no problem attracting developers to the borough.


8.               The length of time taken to develop the scheme was due to the amount of consultation undertaken. 


9.               The support of the Mayor of London and the Chancellor of the Exchequer for the Meridian Water scheme. 


10.           The level at which the levy has been set was comparable with neighbouring boroughs and had been subject to a viability assessment. 


Following the debate the recommendations in the report were put to the vote with the following result:


For:  32

Against:  3

Abstentions:  12




1.              The adoption of the Enfield Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule as recommended by the Inspector (Annex 1), to take effect on the 1st April 2016, in accordance with Section 213 of the Planning Act 2008 and Regulation 25 of the CIL Regulations.


2.              The adoption of the Regulation 123 List (Annex 2) is to take effect on the 1st April 2016, in accordance with Section 216 of the Planning Act 2008, Regulation 123(4) of the CIL Regulations and the relevant sections of the National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) for CIL.


3.              The adoption of the Instalment Policy (Annex 3), to take effect on 1st April 2016 in accordance with Regulation 69B of the CIL Regulations.

Supporting documents: