Agenda item


A report from the Director – Regeneration and Environment is attached. This seeks approval to the outcome of the Meridian Water Master Developer Partner Procurement Process. (Report No.4, agenda part two also refers) (Key decision – reference number 4241)

(Report No.2)

(8.20 – 8.35 pm)


Councillor Ahmet Oykener (Cabinet Member for Housing and Housing Regeneration) introduced the report of the Director of Regeneration and Environment (No.2) seeking approval to the outcome of the Meridian Water Master Developer Partner procurement process.




1.               That Report No.4 also referred as detailed in Minute No. 16 below.


2.               That this was a landmark decision for the Council. Meridian Water was an exciting and significant project. The selection of a master developer partner was not just a huge step forward for Meridian Water; it was a significant and potentially transformational development for the whole of the Borough, as detailed in the report.


3.               The report set out in detail the procurement process that had been followed which had been conducted in accordance with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules and the Public Contract Regulations 2015, using the Competitive Dialogue procedure.


4.               Councillor Sitkin highlighted the significance of the project and the potential benefits to the Borough and local community. Councillor Sitkin commended the report to the Cabinet and the robust and diligent procurement process which had been followed, as detailed in the report. Councillor Sitkin expressed his appreciation to officers, in particular Peter George (Programme Director), for the significant work which had been undertaken and the professional approach which had been followed at all stages of the procurement process. 


5.               At the request of Councillor Taylor, Peter George (Programme Director) and representatives present from “Trowers and Hamlins” (the Council’s legal advisors) were invited to outline in full to Members the procurement process which had been followed and the robustness with which it had been undertaken. Members were advised in detail of the procurement support that had been provided; the procurement stages; the evaluation undertaken; the competitive dialogue process carried out; the tender evaluation panels; tender evaluation process and scoring criteria used for legal, financial and technical aspects of the bids as set out in both the part one and part two reports (Minute No.15 below also referred).


6.               Members’ noted that the tender evaluation panels (Legal, Finance and Technical) had received advice from the Council’s consultants as follows: Jones Lang LaSalle – technical and commercial; Trowers and Hamlins – legal; PricewaterhouseCooper – financial and accountancy. In addition, Ernst and Young had provided interim Corporate Procurement services and KPMG had acted as Quality Assurance Observers, as set out in full in the report. Members were assured of the robustness and due diligence which had been followed at all stages of the procurement process.


7.               Councillor George Savva, as Associate Cabinet Member for Enfield South East, welcomed the project and the progress which had been made. He reiterated the significant benefits that the development would bring to the Borough and the local community in improving housing, job opportunities and improved quality of life. He extended his thanks and appreciation to officers, in particular Peter George (Programme Director) for the progress which had been made to date.


Alternative Options Considered: NOTED that the alternative option would be not to appoint a Developer Partner.


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to


1.               Approve the decision to select Bidder A (as identified in the Super Part 2 report, Minute No.16 below refers) as the Council’s Preferred Developer Partner for Meridian Water and, subject to decision 2 below, award the contract to Bidder A.


2.               Delegate authority to the Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration and Business Development and the Cabinet Member for Housing and Housing Regeneration in consultation with the Director of Regeneration and Environment and the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services to agree the final terms of the Master Developer Framework Agreement and all associated contract and property documents/agreements.


Reason: The procurement process was about selecting a partner who would work with the Council for the next 20 years to deliver the Council’s objectives for Meridian Water. It was therefore imperative that the successful Bidder had the vision, technical, financial and legal ability to undertake the role. The Bidder selected to become the Council’s Developer Partner had fulfilled all the essential criteria.

(Key decision – reference number 4241)


Supporting documents: