Agenda item

Approval of Cycle Enfield proposals for the A1010 (South)

A report from the Director – Regeneration and Environment is attached. This seeks approval to undertake detailed design and statutory consultation for segregated cycling facilities and public realm improvements along the A1010 South (Lincoln Road to Fairfield Road). (Key decision – reference number 4114)

(Report No.27)

(7.05 – 7.40 pm)


Councillor Daniel Anderson (Cabinet Member for Environment) introduced the report of the Director – Regeneration and Environment (No.27) seeking approval to undertake detailed design and statutory consultation for segregated cycling facilities and public realm improvements along the A1010 South (Lincoln Road to Fairfield Road).




1.               Councillor Anderson advised Members that the report set out in detail the results of the consultation which had taken place to date and presented a series of recommendations for Members’ consideration and approval. Subject to approval of this report, detailed design work and statutory consultation would then be undertaken as explained in the report.


2.               A number of particular issues were highlighted for Members’ consideration including the options for the future configuration of the roundabout at Edmonton Green and location of the war memorial. Councillor Anderson outlined the results of the consultation on these particular issues and the potential cost implications for the alternative options. In conclusion it was explained that the recommended option was for a signalised roundabout option at Edmonton Green (Option 2) subject to statutory consultation, as set out in recommendation 2.2 of the report. This option would also enable the war memorial to remain in its existing location. Members noted the intention to enhance the look and feel of the area with appropriate environmental improvements being made as part of the final scheme design.


3.               Councillor Anderson highlighted the extensive consultation which had been undertaken as set out in the report. The difficulties in engaging with local communities were recognised and extensive consultation work had been carried out in a variety of ways. There had been direct contact with local businesses; a significant number of properties had been leafleted; and, public exhibitions had been held. Members’ attention was drawn to section 4 of the report which highlighted the detail of the consultation process. Section 4.10 of the report set out a number of the specific events which had occurred. The responses received were detailed in paragraphs 4.11 and 4.12 of the report. Appendix B to the report provided the consultation summary in detail.


4.               Councillor Anderson outlined the concerns which had been raised regarding congestion and safety issues which would be addressed further during the design work and statutory consultation. The responses that had been received from the emergency services were also highlighted to Members, as set out in the report.


5.               Members’ attention was drawn to the scheme design proposals in section 5 of the report. The potential impact on parking provision was highlighted for consideration. Parking would be reviewed as part of the detailed design process, as set out in the report, and mitigating measures considered where possible.


6.               The Air Quality Assessment and Economic Impact Assessment provided as Appendices C and D to the report. The key issues arising from the assessments were highlighted for Members’ consideration, as provided in section 5 of the report. Members noted the potential health benefits arising from increased levels of physical activity and improvements in air quality. The conclusions with regard to the impact on congestion and journey times, as set out in section 5.17 of the report were also noted. The Predictive Equalities Impact Assessment was provided in Appendix E to the report. The issues raised throughout the report would be considered further during the detailed design stage and statutory consultation.


7.               Councillor Taylor invited comments from Officers present. Bob Griffiths (Assistant Director – Planning, Highways and Transportation) reported that during the preliminary design phase, the Cycle Enfield Partnership Board (Enfield South East) had met on four occasions to enable stakeholders to influence the designs and share information with the organisations that they represented. Following the meeting on 1 June 2016, comments had been received from Councillor Lee Chamberlain and the Enfield Cycling Campaign. All comments had been circulated to Cabinet Members to be considered as part of the decision making process.


8.               Councillor Peter Fallart was invited to address the Cabinet. Councillor Fallart highlighted his concerns regarding the level of responses received during the consultation and, therefore the potential opposition to the scheme from local people who had not formally responded. He also noted with concern the potential impact on blue light services set out in section 4 of the report and questioned whether emergency vehicles could have appropriate exemptions as referred to in the report. The issues with regard to congestion in the area and implications for journey times were highlighted.


9.               Councillor Fallart drew attention to a number of concerns recognised in the report including: the provision of central refuges to assist those who had difficulty in crossing roads; the proposals for the Edmonton Green roundabout; the potential safety issues for bus stop boarders; the outcome of the Economic Impact Assessment and the need to protect local businesses from any negative impact arising from the scheme; and, the potential increase in congestion and journey times. Councillor Taylor thanked Councillor Fallart for his comments and acknowledged the issues which he had raised.


10.           Councillor Taylor invited comments and questions from Cabinet Members.


11.           Councillor Cazimoglu thanked Officers for their engagement with local ward Councillors and requested feedback on the ward specific issues which had been raised during the consultation period. This would enable responses to be provided to local residents highlighting the actions that were being taken in response to issues of concern.


12.           Councillor Pite felt that a signalised roundabout option at Edmonton Green was the best option for cyclists. The traffic congestion in the area was recognised and, noted her personal experience that cycling in the area was a quicker option and one that the scheme would encourage and support.


13.           Councillor Savva recognised the extensive consultation which had been undertaken and expressed his appreciation to the officers involved for their considerable work in engaging with local residents.


14.           Councillor Taylor questioned the terms of required Traffic Management Orders and the potential exemptions for emergency vehicles. Clarification was sought on the procedures that had to be followed and the flexibility available to the Council in moving forward. Councillor Taylor also recognised the challenges faced with regard to adequate parking provision and that options would continue to be considered during the detailed design and statutory consultation of the scheme. He also noted the concerns expressed with regard to potential safety issues at bus stops and the need for reassurance and adequate protections for all users.


15.           Councillor Orhan expressed her support of the scheme and recognised the extensive consultation which had been carried out to date. Challenges would need to be faced and in so doing consider the best use of the space available for all road users. Councillor Orhan praised the positive benefits that the scheme could have for children and young people in increasing cycling and recognising them as a primary road user for the first time. The scheme would provide positive opportunities for users of all ages. The potential health benefits were highlighted.


16.           In conclusion, Councillor Anderson responded to the issues which had been raised during discussion. He expressed his thanks to Councillor Fallart for his constructive comments. Councillor Anderson acknowledged the challenges that had been faced during the consultation and encouraging responses from local residents. It was noted that local community groups had been engaged with and a range of groups and individuals had been involved in the consultation to date. In response to some of the concerns which had been raised, Members’ attention was drawn to the Predictive Equalities Impact Assessment (Appendix E of the report), it was not the intention to disadvantage any users and all issues of concern would continue to be addressed through the detailed design and statutory consultation.


17.           Councillor Anderson also highlighted the Economic Impact Assessment (Appendix D to the report) and gave assurances that every effort would be made to ensure that local businesses were not negatively affected by the scheme. The parking challenges would continue to be looked at as would the issues around bus stops and any potential impact on the emergency blue light services.


18.           Councillor Anderson expressed his thanks and appreciation to Members and Officers for their support and hard work and continued to welcome all feedback as the scheme progressed. The Council wanted to implement the best possible scheme for all concerned.


19.           David Taylor (Head of Traffic and Transportation) outlined the conditions of implementing traffic orders and the exemptions which existed for emergency vehicles. It was also the intention to introduce a local condition relating to blue badge holders. There were steps that could be taken for temporary changes to traffic orders if the need arose in the future. In response to questions raised he also outlined the responsibilities for enforcing traffic orders. 


Alternative Options Considered: The Council could decline the Mini Holland funding. However, this would mean forgoing £4.2 million of investment in the borough on this scheme, £38.1 million of investment on other Mini Holland schemes and the associated economic, health, and transport benefits.


DECISION: Cabinet agreed


1.               To note the results of the public consultation.


2.               That approval be granted to undertake detailed design and statutory consultation for lightly segregated cycling facilities and public realm improvements along the A1010 South, between Lincoln Road and Fairfield Road.


3.               That approval be granted to proceed with the signalised roundabout option at Edmonton Green (Option 2), subject to statutory consultation.


4.               That approval be granted for capital expenditure of £350,000 for detailed design and statutory consultation.


5.               That delegated authority be granted to the Cabinet Member for Environment to approve and implement the final design of the scheme subject to consultation and completion of all necessary statutory procedures and make any additional changes as appropriate.


Reasons: As listed below and in section 7 of the report:

·       To make places cycle friendly and provide better streets and places for everyone.

·       To make cycling a safe and enjoyable choice for local travel.

·       To create better, healthier communities.

·       To provide better travel choices for the 34% of Enfield households who have no access to a car and an alternative travel choice for the 66% that do.

·       To transform cycling in Enfield.

·       To encourage more people to cycle.

·       To enable people to make short journeys by bike instead of by car.

·       To increase physical activity and therefore the health of cyclists.

·       To reduce overcrowding on public transport.

·       To enable transformational change to our town centres.

(Key decision – reference number 4114)

Supporting documents: