Agenda item

Adoption of the North East Enfield Area Action Plan

To receive a report from the Director of Regeneration and Environment on the formal adoption of the North East Enfield Area Action Plan.

                                                                                                            (Report No: 19)

                                                            (Key Decision - Reference No:  KD 4218)


Members are asked to approve the formal adoption of the North East Enfield Area Action Plan, to form part of Enfield's Local Plan.


Members are asked to note that Annex 1 (referred to in the report) is attached. Annex 2 (also referred to in the report) can be viewed electronically and copies are available in the Members Lounge and the Group Offices.


Councillor Sitkin moved and Councillor Pite seconded a report (Report No: 20).from the Director of Regeneration and Environment on the formal adoption of the North East Enfield Area Action Plan 




1.               That the North East Enfield Area Action Plan was part of the Local Plan and adopted core strategy.  The plan would set the strategic priorities to ensure that future development would have a regenerating effect.


2.               It had taken a long time to complete the action plan: work had begun in 2007, stalled in 2009, been held up as a result of neighbouring authority concerns in 2013, only agreed by Council for Consultation in 2014  and had only recently been approved by the Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government.


3.               The final inspection report had been very positive with only a few modifications proposed.


4.               Concrete, positive work had already been done in the area including projects such as the Electric Quarter in Ponders End, development of housing projects as well as research around the Northern Gateway Access Road and the Northern Gateway Access Package.  Crossrail 2, if approved could change the hinterland.  The proposals for changes at the level crossing would also have an effect.


5.               Constructive engagement had taken place with the public and key partners. 


6.               The plan would be reformulated to take account of transport decisions, to ameliorate any adverse effects and would be subject to further modifications.


7.               The congratulations of the Conservative Group for completing the plan, but also the following concerns:


a.     The concern, that was also highlighted in the plan about low educational achievement, benefit dependency, competition for low skilled jobs and the need for better secondary educational provision in the area. 


b.     Concern that proposals were too dependent on the very long term prospect of the Crossrail 2 project. 


c.     Concern that the Council was not attracting enough income through the community infrastructure levy and that more needed to be done to improve the area. 


d.     Concern that more needed to be done to prevent heavy traffic coming through the residential areas adjoining the M25 and the A211.


e.     Concern about what was seen as the failure to make the case for the Northern Gateway Access Road.


f.      The view that the area needed to attract more economically active residents, to increase numbers of owner occupiers and the suggestion that the Council should consider changing the 40% threshold for affordable housing to 20%. 


g.     The need for better flood mitigation proposals in the Lea Valley.  


h.     Concern about the lack of serious focus on the conservation areas. 


i.       The willingness of the Planning Committee to ignore that plan when agreeing a recent planning committee application for a supermarket in the area. 


8.               The summing up of Councillor Sitkin that the Northern Gateway Access Package did not preclude the Northern Gateway Access Road and that the administration were as concerned as anyone that it should be progressed.


During the debate the meeting was suspended at 8:35pm for a ten minute comfort break.


The report was put to the vote and agreed with the following result: 


For: 35

Against: 0

Abstentions: 19




1.               To note receipt of the Planning Inspector’s final report and main modifications (Annex 1) that concludes that the North East Area Action Plan is sound and legally compliant subject to the main modifications being incorporated into the final plan. 


2.               To approve the formal adoption of the North East Enfield Area Action Plan (Annex 2) to form part of Enfield’s Local Plan. 

Supporting documents: