Agenda item


8.1     In the name of Councillor Ahmet Oykener


“Homelessness is unacceptable and all central and local government bodies have a duty to eradicate it.


This Council recognises that:


Homelessness comes in many forms, from rough sleeping and street homelessness through to sofa surfing and those languishing in temporary accommodation. The loss of Council housing has added greatly to the desperate need for greater social housing.


Homelessness is predominantly a London problem, yet the government funding to support Councils in tackling this serious issue is based on a Communities and Local Government funding model that is 15 years old.  Enfield has the fifth worst homelessness problem nationally yet only received £550K from central government while other boroughs receive sums up to £8m per annum.


The Council therefore agrees to:


1.               Publish on its website and through other means the details of all homeless shelters and charities that can assist those that are homeless, in particular those that offer services during the winter months.


2.               Lobby the Minister of State for Housing and Planning to fund London Borough of Enfield fairly so to prevent homelessness.

3.               Support the expansion and building of new council and social housing.”



8.2     In the name of Councillor Terry Neville:


“The Council notes the need for a last minute report to the Cabinet on 18 May 2016 seeking authority and substantial finance to purchase land at Meridian Water which the current owner had threatened to sell to a third party, and condemns the dilatory and potentially costly approach to assembling land for this “flagship development” shown by the administration over the past six years.”


8.3     In the name of Councillor Alessandro Georgiou:


“This Council recognises that the Union Flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a symbol of Freedom and represents all that is great about the United Kingdom.


The Council will therefore have the Union Flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland present in all full Council meetings.  The flag will have a prominent place either hanging behind the Mayor of Enfield’s chair or on a flagpole to the right of the Mayor.”


8.4     In the name of Councillor Alan Sitkin: 


“Since 2010, Enfield's local economy has gone from a position of under-performing and below the London borough average, to one of out-performing other London boroughs. This is the result of the Administration's proactive, pro-enterprise interventions in the construction of an entrepreneurial state in Enfield. This Council resolves to continue with its successful policies and role to grow Enfield's economy further.”


8.5     In the name of Councillor Anne Marie Pearce


This Council is very concerned to learn of the failings identified in the recent Care Quality Commission Report on the Accident and Emergency Department at North Middlesex Hospital, particularly as it is the second finding of failure at the hospital in four years.


The Council believes that the residents are entitled to a better level of service from the Accident and Emergency Department and calls upon the North Middlesex University Hospital Trust to take firm action to restore public confidence in the services provided. 


8.6     In the name of Councillor Terry Neville


This Council condemns the recent rise in “Hate Crime” which has no place in civilised society.  In this connection the Council welcomes the recent statement from Commander Mak Chishty, Metropolitan Police outlining their plans for giving reassurance to communities and dealing firmly with those who commit these despicable offences. 


8.7     In the name of Councillor Ayfer Orhan


“It is a grave concern of this Council that the Government has established Regional Schools Commissions to be responsible for making critical decisions and to take action in underperformance schools and yet they have no staff and no funding.


For example, the Regional Schools Commissioner for North-West London and South-Central is responsible for making decisions for 27 Local Authorities. Traditionally each Local Authority was responsible for school improvements. But this Council is gravely concerned that the current proposed Regional Schools Commission would be woefully lacking in the essential staff, localised expertise and funding to effectively support schools at a time they might need it the most.


We are fearful that the implications of this are that schools will be allowed to fail and so be exposed to a take-over by a large Academy chain.


This Council believes that this is a cross party concern and asks the Lead members of both party to write to the Government to change its mind on its proposal to centralise School Improvements  by 2017 and to continue to fund Local Authorities, who are best placed, to continue to carry out this important and critical role.”


8.8     In the name of Councillor Alessandro Georgiou


60,481 residents from across the London Borough of Enfield have voted to leave the European Union.  They are joined by 17,410,472 or 52% of votes cast of the British electorate in leaving the European Union.  As the country has voted to leave the European Union, this Council therefore will write to all three of the Borough’s Members of Parliament asking them to respect the democratic will of the British people. 


8.9     In the name of Councillor Yasemin Brett


Enfield is one of the most diverse boroughs in London and we very much value community cohesion which has been achieved through the public, statutory bodies like the council and police and non-statutory sector working together for a harmonious community.  Racism, xenophobia and hate crimes have no place in our borough and we condemn these unequivocally.  We will not allow hate to become acceptable.


We reassure all people living in this area that they are valued members of our community.


1.1           Urgent Motion

Council was asked to note that the Mayor had agreed to accept an urgent motion under Part 4 paragraph 11.6 of the constitution. 


The decision was accepted as urgent, as notice as under Part 4, Paragraph 11 could not reasonably have been given for the following reason: 


“Since the publication of the agenda and the inclusion of Councillor Anne Marie Pearce's Motion (Motion 8.5 on the agenda), there had been a major announcement from the Care Quality Commission (CQC), on 6th July 2016, in relation to fundamental changes to the Board, including the accountable officer being the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of another out of borough hospital.


The matter was of immense concern to Enfield residents who would have expected their local representatives to respond to these changes and request action from the appropriate decision makers.”


Councillor Alev Cazimoglu moved and Councillor Abdulahi seconded the following as the urgent motion: 

“The Care Quality Commission (CQC) report published on the 6th July 2016 rates the Urgent and Emergency Service at North Middlesex Hospital as inadequate.  This Council is seriously concerned to learn of the failings identified in the report; and of the CQC's statutory Warning Notice issued to the trust requiring it to improve the care of patients in the Emergency Department (ED) by 26th August 2016.

The CQC's latest report follows their comprehensive inspection of the Trust in June 2014, which rated the Medical Care and ED as Requires Improvement.

This Council notes that North Middlesex Hospital A&E is one of the busiest Emergency Departments in London, serving a very deprived area with significant health needs.  The Trust is under considerable strain, compounded by the financial underfunding of Enfield CCG; the lack of primary healthcare provision in Enfield; and government cuts to NHS services across the board.

This Council calls on the Secretary of State to urgently intervene to save our local hospital. The Secretary of State should ensure the Trust is adequately funded and supported in providing local people with safe, high quality services. We call on the Secretary of the State to guarantee the future of all current services at the hospital, including a fully functioning A&E department.”

During the debate Councillor Lavender put forward an amendment which was seconded by Councillor Neville. 

The amendment was to delete the final paragraph of the motion and the words in the third paragraph following “The Trust is under considerable strain” and to replace these words with the following phrase “as a result of increased demand for services.”  Also to add a new final paragraph “This Council calls on the new board to use the funds it receives efficiently in the best interests of the residents of Enfield”. 

The Mayor advised that she was not willing to allow the amendment due to time constraints. 

Following a debate the substantive motion was put to the vote with the following result:


For: 28

Against: 19

Abstentions: 0


1.2           Motion 8.9 in the name of Councillor Brett

Councillor Brett moved and Councillor Fonyonga seconded the following motion: 


“Enfield is one of the most diverse boroughs in London and we very much value community cohesion which has been achieved through the public, statutory bodies like the council and police and non-statutory sector working together for a harmonious community.  Racism, xenophobia and hate crimes have no place in our borough and we condemn these unequivocally.  We will not allow hate to become acceptable.


We reassure all people living in this area that they are valued members of our community.”


Before the full debate began Councillor Neville moved an amendment, seconded by Councillor Laban, in which he asked to combine the wording of his motion on hate crime (Motion 8.6 on the agenda) with this motion. 


The amendment was put to the vote and defeated with the following result:


For:  18

Against:  28

Abstentions:  0


Following a debate the motion was agreed unanimously, without a vote.


1.3     Remaining Motions


The following motions listed on the agenda lapsed due to lack of time:


In the name of Councillor Ahmet Oykener


“Homelessness is unacceptable and all central and local government bodies have a duty to eradicate it.


This Council recognises that:


Homelessness comes in many forms, from rough sleeping and street homelessness through to sofa surfing and those languishing in temporary accommodation. The loss of Council housing has added greatly to the desperate need for greater social housing.


Homelessness is predominantly a London problem, yet the government funding to support Councils in tackling this serious issue is based on a Communities and Local Government funding model that is 15 years old.  Enfield has the fifth worst homelessness problem nationally yet only received £550K from central government while other boroughs receive sums up to £8m per annum.


The Council therefore agrees to:


1.               Publish on its website and through other means the details of all homeless shelters and charities that can assist those that are homeless, in particular those that offer services during the winter months.


2.               Lobby the Minister of State for Housing and Planning to fund London Borough of Enfield fairly so to prevent homelessness.


3.               Support the expansion and building of new council and social housing.”


In the name of Councillor Terry Neville:


“The Council notes the need for a last minute report to the Cabinet on 18 May 2016 seeking authority and substantial finance to purchase land at Meridian Water which the current owner had threatened to sell to a third party, and condemns the dilatory and potentially costly approach to assembling land for this “flagship development” shown by the administration over the past six years.”


In the name of Councillor Alessandro Georgiou:


“This Council recognises that the Union Flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a symbol of Freedom and represents all that is great about the United Kingdom.


The Council will therefore have the Union Flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland present in all full Council meetings.  The flag will have a prominent place either hanging behind the Mayor of Enfield’s chair or on a flagpole to the right of the Mayor.”


In the name of Councillor Alan Sitkin: 


“Since 2010, Enfield's local economy has gone from a position of under-performing and below the London borough average, to one of out-performing other London boroughs. This is the result of the Administration's proactive, pro-enterprise interventions in the construction of an entrepreneurial state in Enfield. This Council resolves to continue with its successful policies and role to grow Enfield's economy further.”


In the name of Councillor Anne Marie Pearce


This Council is very concerned to learn of the failings identified in the recent Care Quality Commission Report on the Accident and Emergency Department at North Middlesex Hospital, particularly as it is the second finding of failure at the hospital in four years.


The Council believes that the residents are entitled to a better level of service from the Accident and Emergency Department and calls upon the North Middlesex University Hospital Trust to take firm action to restore public confidence in the services provided. 


In the name of Councillor Terry Neville


This Council condemns the recent rise in “Hate Crime” which has no place in civilised society.  In this connection the Council welcomes the recent statement from Commander Mak Chishty, Metropolitan Police outlining their plans for giving reassurance to communities and dealing firmly with those who commit these despicable offences. 


In the name of Councillor Ayfer Orhan


“It is a grave concern of this Council that the Government has established Regional Schools Commissions to be responsible for making critical decisions and to take action in underperformance schools and yet they have no staff and no funding.


For example, the Regional Schools Commissioner for North-West London and South-Central is responsible for making decisions for 27 Local Authorities. Traditionally each Local Authority was responsible for school improvements. But this Council is gravely concerned that the current proposed Regional Schools Commission would be woefully lacking in the essential staff, localised expertise and funding to effectively support schools at a time they might need it the most.


We are fearful that the implications of this are that schools will be allowed to fail and so be exposed to a take-over by a large Academy chain.


This Council believes that this is a cross party concern and asks the Lead members of both party to write to the Government to change its mind on its proposal to centralise School Improvements  by 2017 and to continue to fund Local Authorities, who are best placed, to continue to carry out this important and critical role.”


In the name of Councillor Alessandro Georgiou


“60,481 residents from across the London Borough of Enfield have voted to leave the European Union.  They are joined by 17,410,472 or 52% of votes cast of the British electorate in leaving the European Union.  As the country has voted to leave the European Union, this Council therefore will write to all three of the Borough’s Members of Parliament asking them to respect the democratic will of the British people”.