Agenda item




A report from the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services is attached. This presents the Scrutiny Annual Work Programme 2016/17. (Non key)

(Report No.61)

(8.20 – 8.25 pm)


Scrutiny Annual Work Programme 2016/17


Councillor Derek Levy (Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee) introduced the report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (No.61) setting out the Scrutiny work programme and work streams for 2016/17 for the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Health Standing Panel and Crime Standing Panel.




1.               That the work programme of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel was designed to allow flexibility and change to respond effectively to issues and developments as they arose throughout the year.


2.               The proposed work programmes for the Health and Crime Standing Scrutiny Panels together with the work streams which had been identified. Members were advised of the detailed work which was being undertaken by Scrutiny.


3.               Councillor Levy highlighted the developing work of Scrutiny and the proposals for further initiatives and work practices including: the involvement of Cabinet Members at Scrutiny meetings outside of the call-in process; and, greater involvement of scrutiny at a pre-decision stage, for example, in the forthcoming consideration of the Housing Allocations Policy.


4.               In considering the work programme of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Levy outlined the ways in which detailed topics could be considered in the future. Councillor Levy highlighted the possibility of introducing “Scrutiny in a Day” to enable detailed consideration of a particular subject; the Overview and Scrutiny Committee could also undertake a work stream itself.


5.               In considering the way forward, Councillor Levy outlined his future proposals for consideration:


·       Councillor Levy emphasised the importance of continuing to maintain the integrity of scrutiny and felt that consideration should be given to the membership of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee being made up of “backbench councillors” only.

·       The need to review, as appropriate, the call-in processes to ensure that they remained robust, effective and appropriate with clear sound reasons for each call-in considered.

·       The significant amount of business undertaken by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee was outlined. Councillor Levy felt that the number of normal business meetings of the Committee should be increased to better accommodate the work load of the Committee. Any call-ins received could then be considered at a scheduled business meeting as appropriate.

·       Councillor Levy highlighted the importance of the high standard of Scrutiny work undertaken on the Council’s behalf and the need to ensure that the work programme remained flexible and appropriate.


6.               Members discussed the importance of ensuring that the call-in processes were robust and effective and noted the issues which had been raised by Councillor Levy.


7.               Members commended the effective scrutiny work that was undertaken and expressed their thanks and appreciation to Councillor Levy as Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The importance of the Scrutiny role within the Council was recognised.


8.               That the work programme and work stream documents would be updated and corrected as appropriate, as noted at the meeting.


9.               Councillor Brett commended the work undertaken and the initiatives proposed. It was suggested that future work streams could include a Review of Academies and Partnerships.


10.           Councillor Levy acknowledged the issues which had been raised and noted that the work of the Scrutiny Committee, Panels and Work Streams were resource constrained and their work had to be prioritised and scheduled as resources allowed.


Alternative Options Considered: No other options had been considered as the Overview and Scrutiny Committee was required, under the Council’s Constitution, to present an annual scrutiny work programme to Council for adoption.




1.               To approve the proposed Scrutiny work programme and work streams for 2016/17 subject to the comments set out above.


2.               To approve that the Head of Governance and Electoral Services be designated as the Council’s Statutory Scrutiny Officer as detailed in section 6 of the report.


Reason: To comply with the requirements of the Council’s Constitution, as the work programme had to be formally adopted by Council. In addition, scrutiny was essential to good governance. It enabled the voice and concerns of residents and communities to be heard, and provided positive challenge and accountability.

(Non key)


Councillor Georgiou expressed his thanks and appreciation to Councillor Levy, on behalf of the Cabinet, for his presentation and for his valuable and effective work as Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 

Supporting documents: