Agenda item

Safeguarding Adults and Safeguarding Children's Board Annual Report 2015-16

To receive for information the Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2015-16 from Marian Harrington (Independent Chair of Enfield Safeguarding Adults Board).


To receive for information the Safeguarding Children’s Board Annual Report 2015-16 from Geraldine Gavin (Independent Chair of Enfield Safeguarding Children’s Board).



(a)  The Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2015-16; and

(b)  The Safeguarding Children’s Board Annual Report 2015-16.




(a)  The Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2015-16


The report was introduced by Marian Harrington (Independent Chair of Enfield Safeguarding Adults Board).

?  This year there had been two Safeguarding Adult Reviews into incidents of poor care, and subsequent actions had been embedded by partner agencies. Two more of these reviews were in progress.

?  Key areas of improvement were noted in quality of care locally.

?  A link with Healthwatch would enable access to NHS premises too.

?  There had been awareness-raising regarding hate crime and domestic violence.

?  A thematic safeguarding adults review would be reported next year.

?  Multi-agency working would help in the collection of evidence at an early stage to enable successful prosecution.


The following questions were received:


1.    In response to Councillor Fonyonga’s queries in relation to domestic violence and vulnerable adults, it was confirmed there still sometimes seemed to be a feeling that vulnerable people would not make credible witnesses and that they would have difficulty giving evidence in court. There were ways people could be supported, but better evidence gathering at the beginning would strengthen our case. Raising the awareness of the Crown Prosecution Service was also important.

2.    In response to Councillor Orhan’s queries regarding neglect, it was advised that work had taken place to help people who did not think of themselves in that way to identify themselves as carers, as there was help and support available and they could be put in touch with the local carers association. Often neglect was not deliberate, but was due to people not realising what they should be doing.

3.    In response to Vivian Giladi’s queries in relation to ethnicity statistics in the report, it was confirmed that awareness raising had targeted under-represented groups and work would continue with voluntary sector organisations.

4.    Ray James highlighted the pleasing performance in achieving outcomes from safeguarding adult inquiry investigations, and that there was better understanding and reporting. He also wished to give credit to Georgina Diba (Safeguarding Adults Service) for the quality of the report. Confirming that Marian Harrington was stepping down from her role, he wished his thanks to be recorded for her skilled stewardship.

5.    The Chair requested that the minutes reflected the thanks of Enfield Health and Wellbeing Board to Marian Harrington, and to everyone who contributed to the success of the Safeguarding Adults Board, and noting the challenges going forward.


(b)  The Safeguarding Children’s Board Annual Report 2015-16


The report was introduced by Geraldine Gavin (Independent Chair of Enfield Safeguarding Children’s Board).

?  The main focuses of the year had been child sexual exploitation, female genital mutilation, and tackling concerns of increased radicalisation.

?  Two excellent lay members of the Board had brought in views from the community.

?  Two serious case reviews had been published in the last year.

?  Successful training and awareness events had been held.

?  Information exchange was improving, and was critical. The new Borough Commander was now Vice Chair of the Board.


The following questions were received:


1.    The Chair noted that the Greater London Authority now had a Deputy Mayor for Crime and Policing, and suggested making representations through them in relation to difficulties with prosecutions.

2.    In response to Deborah Fowler’s queries, it was confirmed that there was already joint working with other boroughs and it was likely this would increase.

3.    Vivian Giladi noted the considerable steps forward regarding female genital mutilation, noting the issues around resourcing of prevention in future as against prosecution today.

4.    Robyn Gardner (Enfield Youth Parliament) asked about work towards preventing female genital mutilation in Enfield as she had seen nothing as a pupil at Chace Community School. It was advised that the Board had a specific group which provided training and resources to schools, and Geraldine Gavin also made school visits, and she would follow this up. Vivian Giladi also confirmed there was work going on at a playground level in affected communities. Tony Theodoulou and Councillor Orhan also reported successful work in relation to female genital mutilation, and that sharing this information across schools could be added to the work programme of the Youth Parliament.

5.    Councillor Orhan wished to record her thanks to Geraldine Gavin for the work done throughout the year, while noting that central government must recognise the enormity of the work and importance of safeguarding boards, and must put funds into supporting them.

6.    The Chair requested that thanks be recorded to Geraldine Gavin and her colleagues for all the work done.

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