Agenda item

Mayor's Announcements in Connection with the Ordinary Council Business


The Mayor made the following announcements: 


The Mayor began by hoping that everyone had enjoyed their summer and saying that she had been very busy since the last Council meeting, 10 weeks ago. 


1.               Engagements since the last Council


Since then the Mayor’s engagements had included the following: 


·       An end of year Mass at St Ignatius School.


·       The launch of the Firs Farm Wetlands Festival.  She hoped that this area would be enjoyed by local residents for years to come. 


·       A Central Criminal Court lunch at the Old Bailey, at the invitation of the High Sheriff.


·       The Enfield Sounds Great Instrument Amnesty in Palace Gardens.  A large number of instruments had been donated including a cello, a violin, a very old recorder and many keyboards and guitars.  She had been touched by the generosity of Enfield residents.  Buskers had raised £300 for her charity on the day.  She added that her son had given up a week of his holiday to repair and clean the instruments, ready for distribution. 


·       Hosting an large group of 130 Chinese young people – only 30 had been expected - with whom she was photographed.  They had all learned a lot from each other. 


·       A Mamma Mia Film Night in Town Park with delicious food and drink, which had raised £1,600 for the Mayor’s charity.  Fun was had by all. 


The Mayor thanked officers in the Mayoral Team and the Deputy Mayor and her consorts for their support as well as the people of Enfield for their invitations. 


2.               Visit to Gladbeck in Germany


The Mayor had also visited Gladbeck, a town that was twinned with Enfield, together with her husband, Councillor Erin Celebi and Paul Everitt (Millfield Arts Centre Manger).  They had all been treated with affection and friendship and gained a valuable cross country insight into each other’s countries. 


The Mayor was looking forward to greeting a group of young people from Gladbeck who will soon be coming to Enfield to play football.  She was planning to host a small reception for them in the Mayor’s Parlour.  Gifts received from Gladbeck were also on display in the Parlour. 


3.               Mayor’s Fun Run


The Mayor’s Fun Run was held last Sunday.  The Mayor said that it had been inspirational and hundreds of people had turned out including many female councillors and pupils from Waverley School.  She praised the winners and the Council’s leisure team for doing such a good job promoting health and wellbeing in Enfield.


4.               Future Engagements


Future engagements include:


·       A fundraising evening in honour of the Mayor’s Charity organised by Southgate Light Opera on Friday and Saturday 23 and 24 of September 2016.


·       A visit to the Parker Day Centre on Friday morning to see the benefits of music played by local residents to those suffering with dementia.


·       Finally the Mayor said that she was looking forward to welcoming Enfield Paralympians and Olympians to a reception in the Mayor’s Parlour.  Members would be invited to join her in congratulating them.  There was a round of applause.