Agenda item

Ponders End High Street: Phase 2 Delivery Programme

A report from the Executive Director of Regeneration and Environment is attached. This seeks authorisation to initiate the Ponders End (Phase 2) programme. (Key decision – reference number 4382)

(Report No.200)

(8.55 – 9.00 pm)


Councillor Ahmet Oykener (Cabinet Member for Housing and Housing Regeneration) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Regeneration and Environment (No.200) seeking authorisation to initiate the Ponders End (Phase 2) programme.




1.               The excellent progress that was being made on the continued regeneration of Ponders End, as detailed in the report. The Council was providing good quality local homes. The Dujardin Mews project had now been completed and Councillor Oykener praised the quality and standard of the new housing provision.


2.               The Council would continue to find ways to deliver affordable housing. Enfield was leading the way on housing delivery and had recently been featured on LBC radio as a “champion” authority in this respect. Councillor Oykener praised the work that had been undertaken to date and congratulated all concerned.


3.               In response to Members’ questions, clarification was provided on the progress of the Alma Estate regeneration and the anticipated timescales for completion, as set out in section 4 of the report.


4.               Councillor Taylor drew Members’ attention to the proposed governance arrangements set out in section 9 of the report. Members reiterated the need for continued effective community involvement and consultation with local residents in going forward.


5.               The Area Objectives as set out in section 6 of the report. The Ponders End Ward Councillors were robust in their view that dedicated public community facilities should be provided in the area.


6.               Councillor Orhan noted paragraph 4.5.2 of the report in relation to the Ponders End Qube. The report stated that at the end of the expiration of two years or when the site was required for redevelopment, an exit strategy would be in place to ensure that there was a new site to accommodate the Qube. Councillor Orhan emphasised the need to continue to consult with the local community in identifying the most appropriate alternative site for this facility. Proposals for an alternative site in the future should be robustly discussed with residents and current users. Councillor Orhan expressed the view that the provision should remain within the Ponders End Ward. Councillor Taylor acknowledged that whilst re-provision of the facility was essential, it might not be possible to identify an alternative and suitable site within the Ponders End Ward. The views of the Ward Councillors and their stated preferences in going forward were noted.


7.               Councillor Cazimoglu highlighted paragraph 7.4.8 of the report regarding Boundary House which had been a source of anxiety for residents in the neighbouring Jubilee Ward. It was noted that officers were in discussions about bringing forward proposals for alternative uses of the site, as set out in the report. Officers were asked to keep both Ponders End and Jubilee Ward Councillors informed on any progress.


8.               Councillor Orhan praised the exemplary community engagement that had taken place, and continued to be held, with residents in Ponders End which was an example of best practice to all concerned.


9.               Councillor Anderson acknowledged the good work that was being undertaken in Ponders End for the benefit of the local area and its residents.


10.           Councillor Taylor drew Members’ attention to paragraph 7.4.2 of the report regarding Swan Annexe. The Swan Annexe had been identified as a building of architectural merit and had been identified in the Council’s draft local heritage list. Councillor Taylor reiterated the need to ensure that the frontage of the building was retained for future heritage purposes and recognised as part of the Borough’s history.


Alternative Options Considered: NOTED, that further reports would follow considering an analysis of each of the interventions described in section 7 of the report and what options might follow from this work.


DECISION: The Cabinet


1.               Noted the progress made to date on the ongoing regeneration of Ponders End and agreed the next phase of the programme.


2.               Agreed to authorise draw down of approved 2016-17 budget for expenditure of no more than £1.0m to progress design and architectural work across sites at Ponders End identified and in accordance with the scope detailed in section 7 of the report.


3.               Agreed to authorise draw down of approved 2016/17 budget for £100k to carry out a series of small to medium scale public realm improvements.


4.               Agreed to approve the Ponders End governance arrangements.


5.               Agreed to authorise draw down of approved 2016-17 budget for no more than £310k for quantity surveying, engineering and valuation advice for sites identified within the report to undertake an options appraisal as explained in section 8 of the report.


Reason: The regeneration of Ponders End was well underway but it was vital that the Council continued the ongoing development of this town centre. The recommendations sought to allow the further investigation of additional development sites so that the Council was well informed of any future decisions.

(Key decision – reference number 4382)

Supporting documents: