Agenda item

Strategy and approach to delivering pupil places

A report from the Chief Education Officer and Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services is attached. This outlines the strategy and approach to delivering pupil places. (Key decision – reference number 4395)

(Report No.132)

(8.30 – 8.35 pm)


Councillor Ayfer Orhan (Cabinet Member for Education, Children’s Services and Protection) introduced the report of the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services and Chief Education Officer (No.132) updating the strategy for the provision of pupil places.




1.               The following amendments to recommendations in the report as reflected in the decisions below:

·       Recommendation 2.2.5, bullet point two, the addition of “in accordance with the limits set out in the Council’s Contract Procurement Rules”;

·       Recommendation 2.3.1, the addition of “and a further report brought back to Cabinet”


2.               That Members’ attention was drawn to the information provided within the Executive Summary of the report. Councillor Orhan outlined the difficulties faced due to Central Government policy changes and the restriction on funding provision and legislation restrictions. The Council was legally prohibited from opening any new schools or purchasing sites for new schools. Any new school provision would be through the Government’s Free Schools and Academies programme.


3.               The detailed strategy and approach to the delivery of pupil places as set out in full in the report. Members supported the proposals set out in the recommendations of the report and detailed in the decisions below.


Alternative Options Considered: Enfield Council had a statutory responsibility to provide the necessary school places. The School Expansion Programme created a mechanism to assist with the delivery of extra capacity required. Failure to provide enough school places was not an option. The proposals which had been considered but rejected were set out in section 4 of the report.


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to


1.               Approve three additional permanent forms of primary entry (FE) in the South West from September 2017 to September 2020.


·       and the continuation of the school expansion programme, with the focus on special provision and high needs pupil places.


2.               Increase capacity in special schools and establishments that provide education services for some of the most acute special need categories subject to further approval for the manner in which this was to be achieved.


3.               Note that the School Expansion Programme capital budgets for 2016/17 to 2017/18 were maintained at current approved levels but updated by a separate report(s) brought forward on any necessary land acquisitions required to facilitate provision of extra places and the need to increase budgets or use Council resources.


4.               Approve refinancing of the Garfield Primary project to reflect the change in legislation in respect of the sale of education land from previously approved School Expansion Programme (SEP) growth.


5.               Approve the retention of the Garfield building, designated as the Key Stage 2 building, for education purposes, initially for the decant of West Lea pupils to allow building works to proceed. The long term future use of the Garfield KS2 building was to be the subject of a further report.


6.               Support continued delegated authority to the Cabinet Member for Education, Children’s Services and Protection and the Cabinet Member for Finance and Efficiency in consultation with the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services, the Chief Education Officer or the Assistant Director of Strategic Property Services, to take decisions on:


·       The individual schools, sites and preferred partners for expansions, and decisions on statutory requirements, to meet the demand for extra pupil places, both mainstream and special, up to 2020/21.

·       Conducting suitable procurement exercises and either calling off EU-compliant framework agreements or conducting suitable procurement exercises, entering into contractual arrangements with successful contractors and placing orders for any capital works required for the projects in accordance with the limits set out in the Council’s Contract procurement rules; and

·       Conducting any necessary land transactions, including acquisitions by way of freehold or leasehold up to the value of £500,000, as individual schemes were developed.


7.               Support continued delegated authority to the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services and the Chief Education Officer to take decisions on the:


·       Programme management arrangements and operational resourcing, including procurement of any required support services.

·       Commencing feasibility or initial design to inform pre-application discussions with planning and procurement of resources for this activity.

·       Cost estimates, budgets and spend for projects in advance of updates to the Capital Programme.

·       Submission of planning applications; and

·       The appropriate procurement routes for professional support services and construction for individual schemes.


8.               Note that if options for schemes could not be progressed then alternative options would need to be brought forward for decision and inclusion on the Council’s Capital Programme and a further report brought back to Cabinet.


Reason: The Council had an overriding statutory duty to provide sufficient pupil places to meet anticipated demand. The strategy and delivery arrangements would deliver the additional reception places required in the areas of highest demand up to 2020. The expanded capacity aims to provide a higher level of flexibility built in to counter sudden increases in demand.

(Key decision – reference number 4395)

Supporting documents: