Agenda item

Proposed Submission Edmonton Leeside Area Action Plan

To receive a report from the Executive Director of Regeneration and Environment seeking Council approval for the publication of the Proposed Submission of Edmonton Leeside Area Action Plan.

(Key Decision – Reference Number 4389)

(Report No.156A)


Please note that this report has been considered at the Local Cabinet Sub Committee (22 November 2016) and recommended for approval by Cabinet (14 December 2016). 


For ease of reference, the appendix to this report has been provided separately to the main agenda and is listed as a supplementary pack on the Council’s website.


Councillor Sitkin proposed and Councillor Savva seconded the report of the Executive Director of Regeneration and Environment on the proposed submission of the Edmonton Leeside Area Action plan. 




1.               The name of the plan had changed from Central Leeside to Edmonton Leeside.  Other changes, since 2014, when the plan was first produced for consultation, included Meridian Water achieving “Housing Zone” status, an increase in the number of homes for Meridian Water from 6,000 to 10,000 and the number of jobs from 3,000 to 6,700. 


2.               The plan was now more aspirational, notable progress had been made in assembling the sites to allow development for more mixed uses, there had been a shift to a higher economic base, increasing efforts made to improve the environment and cycling infrastructure, a new job centre and a new primary care facility included in the plans. 


3.               Enfield was open for business, even in difficult times for local government.  The Council was supporting regeneration in the Eastern part of the borough; two new schools, leisure and culture facilities, better access were planned as well as the new primary care facility. The whole project, one of the biggest in London, was being supported by leaders of the community, local colleges and schools, and a premier league football club.


4.               The qualified support of Opposition for the plan, which while welcoming the regeneration proposals had concerns as follows:


a.           About the impact on the areas surrounding Meridian Water and the increased congestion on already heavily congested roads also resulting in a build-up in pollution affecting residents’ health and wellbeing. 

b.           That more needed to be done to resolve the pressure on the roads, particularly those running North/East to avoid creating gridlock in other parts of the borough.     

c.           That many of the proposals were unfunded and un-prioritised.

d.           The lack of progress on obtaining four tracking along the main railway line - three tracks were not felt to be sufficient - which was unfunded and now linked to the development of Crossrail 2.  This was seen as a major risk to the viability of the whole Meridian Water project. 

e.           The impact on existing businesses especially those which would have to be relocated as a result of proposals in the plan.

f.             The suspension of three staff working at Barratt Homes. However the Council had received a written response assuring them that these people had not been involved in any way with the Enfield proposals. 

g.           The lack of progress in securing the sites in Meridian Water and the delays to the start of the building works.  Local residents needed more certainty. 


h.           That Housing Zone status should have been achieved earlier. 


5.               Councillor Sitkin summed up.  He thanked Councillor David-Sanders for his support, acknowledging the concerns about congestion, but pointing out that the introduction of cycle lanes would reduce car use.  He also highlighted the lack of support from the Opposition when lobbying for the 4 trains an hour and the introduction of Crossrail 2.  Remediation works had already begun.


Following the discussion, the recommendations were put to the vote and agreed with the following result. 




For 36

Against: 0

Abstentions: 21


1.               To approve the Proposed Submission Edmonton Leeside Area Action Plan for publication, under Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, and thereafter be subject to a statutory period of public consultation and submission to the Secretary of State for public examination.


2.               To note that Cabinet had agreed at its meeting on 14 December 2016 that:


a.          The Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration and Business Development be delegated authority to agree the publication of the supporting and supplementary documents (assessment and supporting evidence base documents) of the Proposed Submission Edmonton Leeside Area Action Plan.


b.          The Executive Director of Regeneration & Environment be delegated authority to make appropriate changes to the Submission version of the Edmonton Leeside AAP and undertake any further consultation required, in the run up to and during the public examination process into the document, in response to representations received, requests from the Planning Inspector and any emerging evidence, guidance or legal advice.  Changes of a substantive nature will be considered by the Local Plan Cabinet Sub Committee.


Following this item the meeting was suspended for a 10 minute comfort break. 


Councillors Rye and Vince left the meeting at this point as they felt unwell. 

Supporting documents: