Agenda item


A report from the Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care will be circulated at the meeting under restricted circulation. This should be read in conjunction with Report No.177, agenda part one refers. (Key decision – reference number 4309)


(This document contains exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person – including the authority holding that information) of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended)

(Report No.181)




Ray James (Executive Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care) introduced the report (No.181).




1.               That the report was circulated at the meeting under restricted circulation for Cabinet consideration. Report No.177 also referred as detailed in Minute No. 11 above.


2.               The contents of the report in making the decisions set out in the recommendations in the part one report (Minute No.11 above referred).


3.               Members were advised in detail of procurement processes which had been undertaken and the reasons why it had been concluded that none of the bids received had been satisfactory. In seeking to activate the Council’s contingency arrangements, further due diligence would be undertaken and a further report submitted to a future Cabinet meeting for agreement.


4.               Ray James outlined the detailed reasons why it was not appropriate to proceed with the procurement and outlined the range of factors that had been taken into consideration.


5.               Councillor Rye sought clarification and assurance with regard to the proposals now being presented to Members for approval in going forward and questioned the potential financial implications for the LATC.


6.               Ray James highlighted the assurances set out in the report, detailing the financial implications and strengths of the LATC.


7.               That further due diligence work would be undertaken prior to final Member approval being sought to ensure that the future proposals were robust. Mobilisation work would be undertaken in parallel to this.


8.               The need to expand the role of the LATC to enable the required service delivery to be undertaken. It was noted that any future increases in cost would need to be managed by the LATC on a commercial basis.


9.               In response to a question raised, it was noted that the bidders involved had been advised that the Council would not be proceeding with the procurement, as set out in the report.


10.           Ray James clarified the pricing schedules and scoring mechanisms used and noted that none of the bidders had met the required quality threshold at an affordable price. The dialogue which had been held with the bidders and the measures undertaken during the process were noted. A number of issues were clarified to Members in response to questions raised.


11.           The general state of the care market. Members felt that the proposed way forward was sensible in the light of the failure of the care market to successfully meet the specified requirements of the Council as set out in the report.


12.           The flexibility that would exist in the future with regard to the specified bed usage within the new care home. Ray James outlined in detail the current proposals for bed usage within the care home. The price differentials with regard to different forms of care were noted.


13.           That a local authority could not directly run a dual registered care home, it was not permitted to provide nursing care. However, it was noted that the LATC would be able to do so.


Alternative Options Considered: NOTED the alternative options that had been considered as set out in section 5 of the report.


Reason: As detailed in the part 1 report, Minute No.11 above referred.

(Key decision – reference number 4309)