Agenda item

Developing the North Central London Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) - Update

To receive the report from Stephen Wells (Programme Manager, Strategy and Planning, Enfield Clinical Commissioning Group), providing an update on the development of the North Central London STP.


RECEIVED the report of Stephen Wells (Programme Manager, Strategy and Planning, Enfield CCG).




Deborah McBeal (Director of Primary Care Commissioning & Deputy Chief Officer, NHS Enfield CCG) introduced the report, highlighting the development of the executive leadership arrangements and the next steps. She confirmed that each CCG would retain their sovereignty. The final submission was planned for 31 March. Eleven work streams were developing delivery plans which were to be assured by NHS England and NHS Improvement. In respect of Care closer to Home networks (CHINs) it was recognised that in Enfield there was already some work which supports integrated care, and discussions focussed on how that was built on to deliver what was appropriate to the population of Enfield. There was an expectation of release of transformation funding for the STP to move forward, with some of the plans in progress.




1.    The Chair drew attention to the good work of the JSOH and their recommendations for the STP.

2.    Councillor Alev Cazimoglu asked about public engagement.

3.    Vivien Giladi expressed concerns about the finance required to deliver the STP programme, and echoed the disappointment at the lack of public engagement.

4.    Deborah Fowler also stressed the importance of patient and public engagement and of the public being on board with the process. Engagement for the work streams was essential but should not prevent overall engagement as well.

5.    Deborah McBeal confirmed that public engagement was a key element in the STP, but there needed to be proposals they could engage on. Each work stream would have engagement embedded, and she would take back comments in relation to the overall piece.

6.    Dr Mo Abedi acknowledged the slow process on this radical work, but that a single commissioning and financial strategy was being worked towards which would be good for Enfield.

7.    Deborah McBeal confirmed that once the plans were assured, at that point there would be access to transformation funding, and she considered that Enfield would be in a better position across the larger footprint.

8.    Dr Mo Abedi confirmed there were clear and credible plans in respect of service transformation and they were based on equal outcomes across the five boroughs. The clear and credible plan would provide the assurance that the STP would be delivered. Additional work streams had also come on line to address the finance gap.

9.    Vivien Giladi also wished to highlight the basic underfunding of the system by central government, and that concerns also existed among the public in respect of any potential for privatisation. In essence the NHS was underfunded for its needs.

10. The Chair reiterated points in respect of early consultation and the stage of submission of the STP. Deborah McBeal clarified that plans would then be worked up which could be discussed, and that this was the position across the country. The STP was being built from a clinical base.

11. The Chair requested that it be fed back that the sequencing of the STP submission and the engagement remained an issue of concern and was inconsistent with early promises of consultation before decisions.


AGREED that Health and Wellbeing Board noted:

? the contents of the report, including the accompanying attachments, and the associated steps to inform the STP 31st March 2017 submission;

? the continued collaborative working within the NCL STP to commission and deliver the requirements of delivering the Five Year Forward View: NHS planning guidance 2016/17 – 2020/21.

Supporting documents: