Agenda item

Examination of Crime Statistics

Examination of crime statistics received from MOPAC to include:

(a) Recorded Crime

(b) Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)

(c) Public Confidence & Victim Satisfaction

(d) Complaints against Borough Officers/Staff

(e) Stop and Search

(f) Taser Deployment


Jenny Barnett, Superintendent, and Iain Raphael, Borough Commander provided the following crime statistics:


Burglary – There has been a 16.8% reduction in non-dwelling burglaries and 7.2% reduction in dwelling burglaries. Burglary is considered a priority for the police in Enfield.


Violence – There has been a 3.8% increase of violence with injury, 10% increase in violence against a person and 1.8% increase in sexual violence. These increases are in line with our neighbouring boroughs statistics.


There has been a 7% reduction in gun related offences and a 14% reduction in robbery offences. The boroughs surrounding Enfield have seen an increase in these.


Domestic violence rates have gone down. Recording the figures for assaults changed a number of years ago so the police are currently unable to tell if it is due to an increase in assaults or an increase in reporting assaults.


Hate Crime – There have been 31 offences of hate crime. It is hoped that the figure is high due to an increase in confidence in reporting the crimes. Hate crimes include any crimes which derogatory words have been used as well as crimes which are committed out of hate.

ACTION: The police to bring a breakdown of the Hate Crime incidents to the next meeting.


Concerns were raised about how crimes are reported when the police stations are not open 24 hours a day. The police are contactable by dialling 999 or through the many access appoints and on social media.


Total offences – There has been 374 more offences in this quarter, some may be due to improved reporting of crime. On average, there has been an 8% increase on all crimes; Enfield has only had a 1.6% increase.


Anti-Social Behaviour – 1,012 reports of ASB in the last twelve months. Since this period last year there have been 17 more repeat calls when reporting the ASB.


Confidence and Satisfaction - Confidence Governance Board met on the 2nd February 2017 the board looks at resident’s satisfaction and confidence levels with the police. Previously, Enfield was 32 out of 33 London boroughs in regard to police satisfaction levels, Enfield is now 31 out of 33.  Residents felt that the police were easy to get in contact with and feedback provided from people that had been a victim of crime were good, but satisfaction levels amongst the general public were too low.


Complaints – There are 28 live complaint cases currently, with only four running over the 80-day time line. The number of complaints is much lower in Enfield than in neighbouring boroughs. 12 appeals were made against the decision on the complaints, of this four were upheld.


Stop and Search – 201 searches took place with a 21% arrest rate. The stop and search monitoring group met in late January and will hold monthly meetings.


Taser – there has been nine occasions when the Taser has been deployed, 4 when it has been drawn and 5 incidents when the red dot has been showed in the last quarter. Already in 2017, the Taser has been deployed twice.


The following questions were taken:

Q) How are the names selected for those taking the survey?

A)    The database is produced in the office using residents on the system. The police are currently working towards building up the database to include a more representative range of people. It is hoped that a list will produced of vulnerable people in the borough to see how they feel.


Q) Have the Body Worn cameras trialled in ten boroughs, increased resident’s satisfaction rates?

A) Enfield has 8 Body Worn cameras which it has had for some time. The new cameras are being rolled out across London so all uniformed staff in Enfield will have them shortly. The public find police more accountable when they have the cameras.


Q) Are the operators on the 999 calls employed by the Met Police?

A) Yes, these employees are trained and employed by the police. They receive approximately 400 calls a year and are always expected to provide a professional response.


Q) How does it work now the custody suite is in Haringey not Enfield?

A) The Edmonton custody has temporarily re-opened. Since the merger booking in times for officers has reduced so overall there has not been much change from the arrest to the booking in times. The process is being reviewed on a daily basis.


Q) Speeding on the A10 is still an issue which has been made even worse by the removal of the camera.

A) Letters have been sent to the MPs and TFL regarding the issue. It is most unlikely that average speed cameras will be put in place. The cameras were removed when the road was resurfaced and as there has been no deaths on that part of the road they were not reinstated.


Q) The Chair asked the Board if they still wanted to receive the MOPAC stats in the agenda pack?

A) It was agreed these would not be provided anymore as they are out of date and inconsistent with the information the police provide.


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