Agenda item


A report from the Chief Education Officer is attached. This provides an update report for Members’ consideration. (Non key)

(Report No.217)

(8.25 – 8.30 pm)


Councillor Ayfer Orhan (Cabinet Member for Education, Children’s Services and Protection) introduced the report of the Chief Education Officer (No.217).




1.               That in August 2016 the Cabinet had given their approval for the Chief Education Officer to investigate alternative models of future service delivery that would enable the council to work with all schools, whatever their status. It had been agreed that a follow up report would be presented to Cabinet setting out the options for the formal establishment of a trading company with a distinct legal entity based on the most advantageous model and structure, as set out in the report.


2.               That an analysis of the ongoing financial situation, changes to government education and funding policy and increasing pressure on schools budgets was demonstrating that the establishment of a separate company would currently present too great a financial risk to the Council. It was therefore proposed that the development of the company as a separate legal entity be put on hold until there was greater clarity as a result of the new funding arrangements for Local Authorities and schools, but that the Council should continue to develop Ensen as the recognised and trusted trading brand.


3.               The brand Ensen had been developed with a website and marketing plan to ensure that the Council’s services were promoted and to maximise opportunities to raise income. There had already been some expressions of interest from outside of the borough.


4.               That it was proposed that the new model be reviewed after one year of operating to measure its level of success and to determine the way forward. It was noted that schools valued the services provided by the Council. The pressures on the schools’ budgets were recognised.


Alternative Options Considered: NOTED, the alternative options which had been considered as set out in section 4 of the report with regarding to forming a separate legal entity or cease trading altogether.


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed that


1.               The development of Ensen as a separate legal trading company be put on hold until there was greater clarity of the impact of the new funding arrangements for Local Authorities and Schools. The government was currently consulting on a new funding formula for schools. It was intended that the new formula for schools would be in place by April 2018/19.


2.               Teams within Education Services already trading within the Education Department portfolio of Children’s Services continue to do so, under the title of Ensen, offering full cost recovery, effective traded services to schools and settings, remaining under the direction of the Assistant Director Education/Chief Education Officer.


3.               Education Services continues to use the name Ensen as the umbrella term to combine all the trading elements from across the council offered to schools and settings, in order to develop a consistent marketing strategy, to continue to provide excellent services which maximise existing income from Enfield schools and to expand the opportunities for income generation outside the borough.


Reason: NOTED, the detailed reasons for the above recommendations as set out in section 5 of the report.

(Non key)



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