Agenda item


10.1  In the name of Councillor Alessandro Georgiou:


“The people of the United Kingdom have voted to leave the European Union. Therefore the Council resolves that the flag of the EU should be removed from the flag pole on the civic centre premises and replaced with the Union Flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.”


10.2  In the name of Councillor Alessandro Georgiou:


“This Council resolves that the National Anthem of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland should have time reserved to be sung during the beginning of each Full Council Meeting.”


10.3  In the name of Councillor Terry Neville:


“Borough residents were once again exposed to an unnecessary and pointless 24 hour strike on the London Underground in January, including the Piccadilly Line locally, which brought chaos to our capital and put extra pressure on other transport services. As with previous disputes this strike served only to inflict the maximum inconvenience and misery on hard working Londoners trying to get to and from their place of work.


The Council condemns the actions of the Transport Unions involved, and calls upon the Government to fully implement the relevant provisions of the Trade Union Act 2016 to further restrict the ability to take industrial action in the public transport sector.”


10.4  In the name of Councillor Ahmet Oykener:


“The White Paper helpfully returns to an emphasis on affordable housing of all tenures, both rented and affordable homeownership. The government does now accept that the housing market is “broken” and so in this regard we are disappointed that the Paper did not go further. Whilst the Paper recognises the great role that Local Authorities can play in meeting the serious housing demand challenge it could and should have gone further. In particular we continue to ask for the government to allow councils to borrow against our assets which is the one measure which will truly enable a renaissance in housing building. There are different ways to do this so what I propose is we work together, meet the Minister, and agree a new deal which is right for the people of Enfield”.


10.5  In the name of Councillor Terry Neville:


“The Council is aware that the management of the Cycle Enfield proposals post implementation has aroused considerable concerns amongst residents which have not been satisfactorily addressed, coupled with the failure to provide in this year’s capital budget (2017/18) adequate funding for highways maintenance, and other matters leads the Council to conclude that it has no confidence in Councillor Daniel Anderson as the Cabinet Member for the Environment.”


10.6  In the name of Councillor Joanne Laban:


“Enfield Council believes that air quality is an important issue in our borough. However the Mayor of London’s proposal to extend the Ultra-Low Emission Zone to the North Circular is not the solution that Enfield requires. Enfield Council agrees to seek a meeting with the Mayor to discuss his proposals and put forward alternative measures that will make a real difference to Enfield residents.”


10.7  In the name of Councillor Joanne Laban:


“The terrorist attack in Westminster on 22nd March 2017 was an attack on British democracy and our values. Enfield Council gives its upmost praise to our partners London's Emergency Services for their professionalism on the day and continued work to keep London safe. Enfield Council stands united with the Prime Minister and Opposition Party leaders in defiance against terrorism and those who seek to destroy our way of life.”


10.8  In the name of Councillor Alessandro Georgiou:


“This Council agrees that Enfield's Schools should receive fair funding from central Government compared to every other school in the U.K.


The Council therefore calls upon the Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet Members for Education, Children’s Services and Protection to sign a joint letter to the Secretary of State for Education highlighting that Enfield Schools deserve fair funding.”


10.9  In the name of Councillor Yasmin Brett:


“The cut to Housing Benefit for 18 to 21 year olds in Enfield is one cut too many by this Government.  The young have been attacked on many fronts.


This Council urges the Secretary of State for the Department of Work and Pensions, the Rt Hon. Damien Green, to withdraw this cut as soon as possible.”


10.10  In the name of Councillor Ayfer Orhan:


“The Government has embarked on a schools funding formulae which if implemented will mean a real terms funding cut of £3 billion a year by 2020.  In Enfield, schools will lose £28,839,090 by 2020 coming on the back of £3 million already deleted for schools improvements and government cuts to SEND funding.


The Government should recognise the strength of public feeling as parents, local Authorities and MPs up and down the country have expressed their concerns about the consequences of the funding gap in their schools.


Given the loss in funding to schools across the country, and specifically in Enfield, this Council calls upon the Government to listen to the demands of Enfield’s schools, teachers and parents, to rethink its position and provide fair funding for all schools in the borough.”


Motion 10.7 In the name of Councillor Joanne Laban


“The terrorist attack in Westminster on 22nd March 2017 was an attack on British democracy and our values. Enfield Council gives its upmost praise to our partners London's Emergency Services for their professionalism on the day and continued work to keep London safe. Enfield Council stands united with the Prime Minister and Opposition Party leaders in defiance against terrorism and those who seek to destroy our way of life.”


Following the debate the motion was put to the vote and agreed with the following result:


For: 50

Against: 0

Abstentions: 0


Motion 10.10 In the name of Councillor Ayfer Orhan


“The Government has embarked on a schools funding formulae which if implemented will mean a real terms funding cut of £3 billion a year by 2020.  In Enfield, schools will lose £28,839,090 by 2020 coming on the back of £3 million already deleted for schools improvements and government cuts to SEND funding.


The Government should recognise the strength of public feeling as parents, local Authorities and MPs up and down the country have expressed their concerns about the consequences of the funding gap in their schools.


Given the loss in funding to schools across the country, and specifically in Enfield, this Council calls upon the Government to listen to the demands of Enfield’s schools, teachers and parents, to rethink its position and provide fair funding for all schools in the borough.”


Councillor Alessandro Georgiou moved an amendment. The Mayor did not allow the amendment as it did not meet the council procedure rules.


For: 32

Against: 0

Abstentions: 17


Motion 10.4 In the name of Councillor Ahmet Oykener:


“The White Paper helpfully returns to an emphasis on affordable housing of all tenures, both rented and affordable homeownership. The government does now accept that the housing market is “broken” and so in this regard we are disappointed that the Paper did not go further. Whilst the Paper recognises the great role that Local Authorities can play in meeting the serious housing demand challenge it could and should have gone further. In particular we continue to ask for the government to allow councils to borrow against our assets which is the one measure which will truly enable a renaissance in housing building. There are different ways to do this so what I propose is we work together, meet the Minister, and agree a new deal which is right for the people of Enfield”.


For: 32

Against: 13

Abstentions: 0




The Mayor advised at this stage of the meeting that the time available for motions had now elapsed, so Council procedure rule 9 would apply.


NOTED that in accordance with Council procedure rule 9 the remaining motions lapsed due to lack of time.


Motion 10.1 In the name of Councillor Alessandro Georgiou:


“The people of the United Kingdom have voted to leave the European Union. Therefore the Council resolves that the flag of the EU should be removed from the flag pole on the civic centre premises and replaced with the Union Flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.”


Motion 10.2 In the name of Councillor Alessandro Georgiou:


“This Council resolves that the National Anthem of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland should have time reserved to be sung during the beginning of each Full Council Meeting.”


Motion 10.3 In the name of Councillor Terry Neville: 


“Borough residents were once again exposed to an unnecessary and pointless 24 hour strike on the London Underground in January, including the Piccadilly Line locally, which brought chaos to our capital and put extra pressure on other transport services. As with previous disputes this strike served only to inflict the maximum inconvenience and misery on hard working Londoners trying to get to and from their place of work.


The Council condemns the actions of the Transport Unions involved, and calls upon the Government to fully implement the relevant provisions of the Trade Union Act 2016 to further restrict the ability to take industrial action in the public transport sector.”


Motion 10.5 In the name of Councillor Terry Neville: 


“The Council is aware that the management of the Cycle Enfield proposals post implementation has aroused considerable concerns amongst residents which have not been satisfactorily addressed, coupled with the failure to provide in this year’s capital budget (2017/18) adequate funding for highways maintenance, and other matters leads the Council to conclude that it has no confidence in Councillor Daniel Anderson as the Cabinet Member for the Environment”.


Motion 10.6 In the name of Councillor Joanne Laban


“Enfield Council believes that air quality is an important issue in our borough. However the Mayor of London’s proposal to extend the Ultra-Low Emission Zone to the North Circular is not the solution that Enfield requires. Enfield Council agrees to seek a meeting with the Mayor to discuss his proposals and put forward alternative measures that will make a real difference to Enfield residents”.


Motion 10.8 In the name of Councillor Alessandro Georgiou


“This Council agrees that Enfield's Schools should receive fair funding from central Government compared to every other school in the U.K. 

The Council therefore calls upon the Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet Members for Education, Children’s Services and Protection to sign a joint letter to the Secretary of State for Education highlighting that Enfield Schools deserve fair funding.”


Motion 10.9 In the name of Councillor Yasmin Brett


“The cut to Housing Benefit for 18 to 21 year olds in Enfield is one cut too many by this Government.  The young have been attacked on many fronts.

This Council urges the Secretary of State for the Department of Work and Pensions, the Right Honourable Damien Green, to withdraw this cut as soon as possible.”