Agenda item

Mayor's Announcements in Connection with the Ordinary Business of the Council


The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting. 


The Mayor began by reflecting on the terrible atrocities in Manchester and London Bridge which had left the whole country in turmoil.  She said such terrible acts of violence are not to be tolerated.  She had visited Manchester on Thursday 25 May 2017 (a personal event booked to launch Women at the Game) and laid flowers on behalf of Enfield Council.  The Mayor had been devastated to have had to do the same again on 5 June 2017 when she had attended the London Vigil with Councillor Doug Taylor to offer condolences to those affected by the atrocities at London Bridge.  She said “Our thoughts go out to all those families and friends affected”. 


The Mayor referred to the terrible knife murders that had taken place in the borough and commended the excellent work of the police force in tackling them, head on with courage and strength.  As well as showing respect and trust to parents/teachers and residents, in the areas affected.  She noted, with admiration, that residents themselves had led a number of events to raise awareness and to bring about a change in knife crime. 


The Mayor was sure that everyone would join with her in expressing sympathy to all those involved in the terrible fire in West London, that had occurred on the day of the meeting, and, once again, in expressing thanks to our wonderful emergency services. 


1.               Events since Annual Council on 10 May 2017


12 May 2017 – the Mayor had attended the Chance UK AGM.  The Mayor said that she was so grateful to them for the wonderful work that they did.


The Night Hike (in aid of the Nightingale Cancer Support Centre) – which the Mayor had unfortunately not been able to walk herself this year, but at which she had been glad to be represented by so many others.


1 June 2017 Grand Opening Ceremony at the Hindu Temple which she had been delighted to take part in.  The Mayor said that there had been some truly magnificent dancing and that she was so pleased that these cultural celebrations were taking place in our diverse borough. 


Garden Party and Annual Mayor’s Day at Capel Manor both events had been a real treat and the Mayor congratulated Capel Manor for arranging these worthwhile occasions, which were always so enjoyable. 


6 June 2017 - Finale of the Living a Healthy Life at Community House, Edmonton, where she had been treated to a healthy lunch.  She hoped to keep up with the healthy eating theme. 


12 June 2017 – Official Opening of Monmouth Road Green - the Mayor had been pleased to open this space with local school children, for young and old to enjoy, alongside the restored crescent which made a beautiful addition to Edmonton. 


13 June 2017 - New View 50 – a campaign designed to showcase the top 50 public sector leaders from the BAME (Black and Minority Ethnic) community.  However she felt that there was still a long way to go.


The Mayor also mentioned that this was Refugee Week and that there was an exhibition at the Dugdale Centre of refugee photos, taken by photo journalists, depicting the situation in Syria, which she encouraged everyone to go and see. 


2.               Thanks, Welcomes and Congratulations


The Mayor thanked everyone involved in the elections in the Borough on 8 June 2017, saying that she understood how much hard work went into arranging such a mammoth task and congratulating the returning officer and his staff for the smooth running of events.  She trusted that the coming months would progress as smoothly as possible.


The Mayor welcomed both Councillor Elif Erbil, the newly elected councillor for Enfield Lock, and Ian Davis, to his first full Council meeting as Chief Executive.


The Mayor congratulated Councillor Bambos Charalambous on being elected as MP for Enfield Southgate and thanked David Burrowes (former MP for Enfield Southgate) in recognition of his 12 years service to the community.


3.               The Mayor’s Charity


The Mayor was hoping to launch her charity Enfield Cares on Friday 30 June 2017.  Details would be dispatched shortly.


4.               One Minutes Silence


A minutes silence was held in remembrance of all the people who had lost their lives in the terrorist attacks in Manchester and London and in the North Kensington Grenfell Tower fire.