Agenda item


The Deputy Leader, Cllr Georgiou, to outline the Cabinet’s priorities for 2017/18.


The Committee to discuss Work Programme items and select the new workstreams for 2017/18.


The Chair invited Councillor Georgiou, Deputy Leader, to outline the Cabinet’s priorities for 2017/18 and discussion took place on possible scrutiny topics.


Councillor Georgiou referred to financial pressures on Enfield including the funding for our health and police services which, he said, is not what it should be.  The ‘Fair Funding’ campaign aims to tackle this.  Cabinet would be looking at issues for the borough resulting from population growth, and the increased demands from people who are on low incomes, who need to access our services including their need for affordable housing.


The following issues for consideration were discussed -

  • Loneliness and Social Isolation. Research shows physical effects of isolation are bad for health. Health interventions - Councillor Georgiou referred to an increase in sports centre usage but mentioned that data showed that there was a need to encourage more women to become active in sport in the borough
  • Human Trafficking - this includes prostitution issues in the borough.  It was thought that as this area was closely connected with ‘Gangs’ and ‘Drugs problems, it was suggested that this should be looked at as a linked topic.
  • Knife Crime/ Policing/ Safer Communities -Police numbers is an issue often raised by the public. In light of recent events in the borough, knife crime is one that should be included as a linked topic. An issue to consider is whether there would be the same level of knife crime if there were more police allocated to the borough.  It is also necessary to look at the implications of joining together Enfield and Haringey policing, and what this may mean for Enfield.
  • Mental Health    It was noted that there had been a workstream last year on CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service).  Councillor Abdullahi, as Chair of the Health Scrutiny Standing workstream, referred to the JHOSC   the Joint Mental Health committee which he attends and which covers the three boroughs – Haringey, Barnet and Enfield.
  • NHS Community & Primary Care.
  • Housing – There are limited options for some people and there is a high demand for new homes in the borough.  The new housing allocations policy for Enfield should be sent out for consultation in the near future.
  • Contracts Compliance / Housing Repairs – a workstream had looked at problems in respect of some of our housing contracts/contractors for last year. This could be reviewed as part of the general topic for scrutiny on Contacts Compliance.
  • Cycle Enfield/ Streetscene changes and High Street retailers – A linked topic which could look at how it may be possible to boost our local economies and support local retailers. It was commented that there may be a place for re-designating some shops for housing purposes, which would increase footfall. It was noted that the use of CPO’s may be appropriate.
  • Scrutiny of Enfield Trading Companies -  There is a need for scrutiny to be undertaken of these companies especially as it is likely to be an expanding area in future.  It was stated that although a Cabinet decision can be called-in, it is not possible to do the same for the Enfield trading companies in a formal way. It was noted that an annual report is provided on them to Council.  The process needs to be examined to look at how we can improve the governance arrangements.
  • Home to School Transport service- Councillor Keazor would be interested in taking this issue forward
  • Bedblocking’ - under Adult Social Care  - It was noted that this area is ‘in hand’ and is examined under the Health Scrutiny Standing workstream.
  • The Council’s relationship with the voluntary sector


It was thought more pre-decision scrutiny may be undertaken and one area where this may be useful would be when looking at the Local Plan process e.g we could look at identifying more SIL sites.


Crime Scrutiny Standing work stream – there may not be a need for a separate standing workstream on this issue in future.


The issue of member support was discussed, it was hoped that more Cabinet members might attend the meeting in future and not only during the call-in process.  It was hoped that there would be greater participation from members at the workstream meetings. It was thought this might be easier to organize if their meeting dates could be included on the Council calendar at the beginning of the municipal year. Councillor Georgiou said he would take these issues back. 


The Committee agreed the first tranche of workstreams, it was noted that some topics can be dealt with in a shorter time frame than others –

·         Human Trafficking (Including Gangs and Drug issues) – Councillor Rye leading (to be scoped)

·         Transport Connectivity, including SEN transport – Councillor Keazor leading (to be scoped)


Action Workstream Chair with Scrutiny Officer


Councillor Levy asked members to liaise with Claire Johnson if they have any further comments/ suggestions.

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