Agenda item


Land Planning at Meridian Water Scrutiny Work Stream


A report from the Scrutiny Work Stream is attached.

(Report No.14)

(8.20 – 8.25 pm)


Councillor Achilleas Georgiou (Deputy Leader) left the meeting for this item (Minute No.2 above refers).


Land Planning at Meridian Water Scrutiny Workstream


Councillor Doug Taylor (Leader of the Council) invited Councillor Edward Smith, as Chair of the Scrutiny Workstream, to present the report to the Cabinet.


Councillor Edward Smith introduced the report of the Land Planning at Meridian Water Scrutiny Workstream (No.14).




1.               That the scrutiny review had been thorough and had been undertaken over several months. Councillor Smith expressed his thanks to the members of the Scrutiny Panel for their support. Members’ attention was drawn to the main findings of the review as set out in the report. The review had highlighted concerns that the objectives of the Meridian Water project were being undermined by the issues and delays that were being experienced.


2.               Councillor Smith questioned the delay in the Meridian Water contract close with the chosen developer, Barratts. He also highlighted the aspirations of the project with regard to the provision of housing and creation of new jobs. Other aspects under scrutiny had included the financial viability of the scheme; the stability of the ground being built on; the proposed increase in train frequency; the connections with Lee Valley Heat Network (Energetik); the Mayor of London’s involvement in the project and the need for a strategic housing assessment in the area with regard to supply and demand requirements. It was noted that the project was long-term and a number of the issues were ongoing. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee intended to consider the Meridian Water project on a regular basis, as set out in the recommendations of the report.


3.               That, as set out in the recommendations of the report, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee would receive:


a.       Future updates on Meridian Water, particularly on:

·       The financial viability of the development as it progresses

·       The realism of the jobs offer

·       Detailed updates on the visual appearance and density, of the development

·       The Local First principle and the risk register.


b.       And comment on the final version of the Meridian Water Regeneration Strategy and Action Plan including the provision of education and health facilities.


c.       Updates on the progress towards 4 trains per hour, and any additional costs incurred by the Council.



4.               Councillor Sitkin acknowledged the concerns highlighted with regard to the contract close and confirmed that the Council was seeking to conclude this matter as soon as possible. Councillor Taylor outlined the negotiations that were currently taken place and gave assurances that agreement would only be given to a contract that was in the long-term interests of the Council. The length of the contract period was noted together with the unpredictable risks that could arise including changes in market conditions in the long-term. There would need to be an element of flexibility without losing the overall viability of the project.


5.               Councillor Oykener acknowledged the issues which had been raised with regard to housing provision and outlined the ongoing discussions that were taking place with the GLA at both political and officer levels.


6.               Councillor Taylor stated that the issues raised by Scrutiny were those that were actively being pursued in ongoing discussions on the project and, in particular the future financial viability and level of risk tolerance within the overall scheme. Regular meetings were taking place with Barratts and it was hoped that the contract close would be concluded as soon as possible. In response to questions raised by Councillor Smith, it was noted that officer negotiations were undertaken at a high level and included Ian Davis (Chief Executive), and specialist legal and financial advisers. The Leader of the Council together with Cabinet Members for Housing and Housing Regeneration; Finance and Efficiency; and, Economic Regeneration and Business Development were kept fully appraised of the negotiations and provided their views on the way forward.


7.               Councillor Taylor thanked Councillor Smith for his attendance and the continuing work of Scrutiny in this area.


Alternative Options Considered: None.


Reason: To monitor and comment on the development at Meridian Water.

(Non key)

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