Agenda item

Genotin Road Car Park, Enfield Town

A report from the Executive Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services and Executive Director of Regeneration and Environment is attached (Report No.95, agenda part two also refers). (Key decision – reference number 4567)

(Report No.93)

(8.35 – 8.40 pm)


Councillor Alan Sitkin (Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration and Business Development) introduced the report of the Executive Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services and Executive Director of Regeneration and Environment (No.93). Councillor Sitkin commended the proposals to Cabinet and emphasised the importance of retaining Metaswitch Networks Ltd. within the Borough, as set out in the report. Councillor Sitkin further highlighted the economic impacts and the proposals going forward for public parking provision. The loss of Metaswitch Networks Ltd. to the Borough would be significant. The Council’s regeneration aspirations were noted together with the need to attract businesses and inward investment to the Borough.


Councillor Taylor reported that comments on the report had been received from Councillor Terry Neville in his capacity as a Grange Ward Councillor. Councillor Taylor agreed that Councillor Neville’s comments for Cabinet consideration be recorded in the minutes, as appended. Councillor Taylor then ensured that the points raised were discussed and responded to.




1.               That Report No.95 also referred as detailed in Minute No.17 below.


2.               Members discussed the timing of the proposals in terms of the Enfield Town Masterplan and compatibility with the framework and the consultation process which had been undertaken. Officers explained that the timing had been generated by the requirements of Metaswitch who had considered potential sites both within and outside of the Borough with the Genotin Road site being their favoured option. This was led by the leasehold element of their existing premises coming to an end next year and, that it would not be renewed by the site owner.


3.               With regard to the compatibility with the Masterplan and consultation, Officers explained that the proposal was consistent and that whilst the Masterplan was not required for such applications, they could work together and inform each other as issues progressed and developed. Any application coming forward would be subject to detailed planning consent.


4.               In response to a question raised, it was noted that Portcullis Lodge Car Park was on Metropolitan Open Land and adjacent to a Conservation Area, the development opportunities for this site were therefore more restricted.


5.               That the Masterplan had identified the site for potential mixed use development including office, residential and commercial. It was reiterated that detailed planning consent would be required.


6.               Officers responded to issues raised by Members with regard to the Mayor of London’s Transport Strategy and the London Plan, and the potential impact on this application. There were a number of key issues for determination.


7.               Members discussed the current and anticipated public parking capacity requirements in Enfield Town. The proposals in going forward were outlined in more detail including the provision of weekend and evening parking by Metaswitch and the potential use of Council staff car parks for the same periods to meet demand. It was noted that Portcullis Lodge car park would provide approximately 80 spaces. There would be minimal loss of parking revenue as parking would be provided elsewhere and a payment negotiated with Metaswitch during the development period.


8.               Concern was expressed that the report did not adequately reflect the other alternative sites that had been explored and hence the reason for the Genotin Road site. Members acknowledged the importance of retaining the company within the Borough. Officers outlined the work that had been undertaken and explained the reasons for the chosen site by Metaswitch.


9.               It was noted that until the detailed planning application was made the land required and total footprint of the development would be unknown. Officers stated that rights of way across the site to Enfield Town station would be reserved.


10.           A discussion followed on the economic considerations of the proposals going forward. Paragraphs 3.1.8 and 3.1.9 of the report were highlighted. Members noted the difficulties in the financially modelling of the proposals with regard to business rates with the changes coming forward, as outlined in Report No.90 (Minute No. 7 above referred). Assumptions had to be made at this stage, however, it was felt that the Council would benefit from an increase on current levels.


11.           In conclusion, Members supported in principle the retention of Metaswitch in the Borough and noted that there would be a detailed planning process in going forward and that further clarifications would be forthcoming as the application progressed. This would also provide a clear message to other businesses that the Council wanted to attract inward investment in the Borough.


12.           Councillor Taylor proposed a number of amendments to the recommendations as set out in the decisions below. In going forward it would be important to ensure that the Cabinet was kept fully appraised of the progress and any further issues arising. The proposed terms of the development would be presented to a future Cabinet meeting for approval.


Alternative Options Considered: Not trying to retain Metaswitch Networks Ltd. in the Borough would be considered a lost opportunity to retain a world class leader in technology, investment and employment.


Officers had considered using other facilities and land owned by the Council for expansion and office development. The Civic Centre had been discussed in particular the Tower (A Block), also a disposal/lease of several office locations in the Town had been discussed, however Metaswitch would prefer an exclusive occupational site.


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed in principle to further work being undertaken in respect of the Options as set out in Report No.95, part two and further:


1.               Delegated authority to the Cabinet Member for Finance and Efficiency and the Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration and Business Development with the Executive Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services and the Assistant Director – Strategic Property Services to progress the final terms and structure of any Option Agreement in accordance with the Council’s Property Procedure Rules. The delegation would be subject to a further report to Cabinet prior to any Option Agreement being entered into.


2.               Delegated authority to the Executive Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services in conjunction with the Executive Director of Regeneration and Environment to explore as a priority the feasibility of opening Portcullis Car Park to the public.


3.               That the impact on disabled parking is considered as part of the revised parking offer.


Reason: This was a rare opportunity to be able to retain a key business in the borough and support the expansion to create a global HQ building in the London Borough of Enfield. This development would catalyse the Enfield Town regeneration and deliver positive outcomes for the whole borough and continue Enfield Council’s commitment to Business and Economic development in the Borough. It could act as a catalyst for further employment development in the Town Centre.

(Key decision – reference number 4567)

Supporting documents: