Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Annual Work Programme and Workstreams 2017/18

To receive a report from Overview & Scrutiny Committee setting out the Scrutiny Annual Work Programme and Workstreams identified for 2017/18.                                                                                     (Report No:49)


Council is asked to note that Cabinet will be considering this report at their meeting on 13 September 2017.  Any comments from Cabinet will be included on the Council update sheet at the meeting. 


Councillor Levy proposed and Councillor Smith seconded the report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee setting out the Scrutiny Work programme and work streams identified for 2017/18.  (Report No: 49)




1.               That Cabinet had considered the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Work programme 2017/18 at their meeting on 13 September 2017 and recommended approval to Council.


2.               Councillor Levy’s speech in support of the work he had done as the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee over the past 3 years and more including


·       His dedication to the work of the Council not only on Scrutiny, but also on the quasi-judicial licensing and planning committees, and the local pension board, as well as for his constituents in Southbury Ward.


·       His pledge to continue with his work until the end of his term of office.


·       His comments about the behaviour of his fellow councillors on both sides of the chamber and the hope that members would in future reflect on what he had said and respect for others, standards of behaviour, and debate would improve. 


·       That the work programme had been carefully put together, fully discussed, and agreed by all members of Overview and Scrutiny.  It had an inbuilt flexibility to enable discussion of other topical or urgent items which might occur. 


·       This year there would be more single item agendas, larger local projects requiring more in depth analysis and more joint meetings with other committees where it was felt that the subject matter warranted it. 


·       Another work stream, which had yet to be scoped, would be added to the programme, on the topic of loneliness and isolation. 


3.               The comments of Councillor Smith for the Opposition:


·       The work programme covered a wide range of topics although there were subjects which had not been included.


·       His view that the scrutiny function served a useful purpose which was better than nothing.  Call in was an important tool a chance to analyse key decisions in detail although there were some concerns about the lack of frank exchange and discussion. 


·       As Chair of the Crime Standing Work Stream he would be looking at the possible merger of police services in both Enfield and Haringey and knife crime.


·       His support for the other work streams planned.


·       Concern about the lack of sufficient commitment to scrutiny on the part of back bench members. 


4.               The response of Councillor Levy including:


·       His thanks for the tributes and respect he had been shown. 


·       His apologies to Councillor Laban and Councillor Rye for past behaviour.


·       The arguments for more research support for scrutiny, which he had expressed at Cabinet, the preceding week, which would give more validity to the work streams. 


·       The introduction of call-ins of a different kind whereby Cabinet Members were invited to attend meetings to discuss issues in advance to avoid call ins being necessary. 


·       That many more members should be prepared to do some work and take a greater role in the scrutiny function. 


AGREED to approve the scrutiny work programme and work streams for 2017-18. 

Supporting documents: