Agenda item


Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Scrutiny Work Stream


A report from the Scrutiny work stream is attached for consideration.

(Report No.186)

(6.15 – 6.20 pm)




Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Scrutiny Work Stream


Councillor Doug Taylor (Leader of the Council) invited Councillor Mike Rye, as Chair of the Scrutiny Work Stream, to present the report (No.186) to the Cabinet.


Councillor Mike Rye presented the report and the following issues arose.




1.               The duties placed on local authorities under current legislation, as set out in the report.


2.               Councillor Rye expressed this thanks to the Scrutiny Support Officers, Claire Johnson and Andy Ellis, and to other members of the work stream.


3.               The work stream had considered the current situation and had taken evidence from a range of partners and Council officers as highlighted within the report.


4.               Members were advised of the number of referrals which had been made by Enfield for children affected by County Lines.


5.               The recommendations set out in the report and the responses received. The report and its recommendations were commended to the Cabinet.


6.               Councillor Derek Levy as Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, reinforced the positive and important work undertaken by the Scrutiny function of the Council and, the positive recommendations arising. He emphasised the importance of Member participation in the scrutiny role.


7.               The importance of sharing information and expertise with appropriate community organisations within the Borough.


8.               Tony Theodoulou (Executive Director of Children’s Services) was pleased to report that a lead officer had now been identified within the Council and an action plan was being formulated with anticipated completion in the Autumn. To date, 200 targeted staff within the Council had received training; this would continue to be rolled out as appropriate.


9.               That the report and its findings would be shared with the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner as an example of good practice.


Councillor Taylor thanked Councillor Rye for his presentation and informative report to the Cabinet.


Alternative Options Considered: None, the Council needed to continue to raise awareness which would lead to identification of incidents which could then be reported.


DECISION: The Cabinet noted, for information, the following recommendations from the work stream and the comments of the Cabinet Member and Executive Directors as set out in Appendix A of the report and listed below:


1.               For Enfield Council to address through its procurement practices the elimination of slavery in its supply chains.


2.               The Executive Management Team had agreed to identify a lead officer to raise the profile within the organisation and produce an action plan to tackle human trafficking and modern slavery with a corporate approach and work with the police, NHS and the voluntary sector to identify and report victims via the national Referral Mechanism.


3.               As part of the action plan to approve a programme of regular training to appropriate frontline staff so that they could recognise and identify potential victims of human trafficking and modern slavery. As part of the action plan, to establish a corporate group to ensure that tackling modern slavery had a joined-up approach across the council and its partners.


4.               To provide training for Members. Members were well placed to identify and report areas of concern within their wards.


5.               To raise awareness and inform schools, parents and carers of modern slavery issues, particularly where there were vulnerable students.


6.               To train the Council’s Regulatory services and Planning to ensure that commercial outlets within the borough were sufficiently inspected and regulated, and any areas of concern were reported.


7.               To share these recommendations with the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner.


Reason: Raising awareness and training of Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery was essential to highlight the problem and act to prevent it.

(Non key)

Supporting documents: