Agenda item


13.1       Motion in the name of Councillor Ayfer Orhan


“Having been hugely disappointed with Government’s failure to listen to our call for a fairer funding for Enfield Schools, Enfield Council looks forward to seeing increased funding for schools in the next budget.”


13.2       Motion in the name of Councillor Achilleas Georgiou


“This Council welcomes the saving of £2.5m to the Council’s budget by the purchase of properties through Housing Gateway since it was established in 2014.


Given this is a net contribution, it is hard to see how any Councillor could consider it anything other than good economics.”


13.3       Motion in the name of Councillor Doug Taylor


“Enfield Council notes the letters received by the Leader of the Council from the Minister and from officials about Universal Credit.  (Letters Attached)


We note the comments made but reiterate our significant concerns about the risk to vulnerable people arising from this policy and instruct the Leader of the Council to reply to the Minister reflecting the Council’s view.”


13.4   Motion in the name of Councillor Ahmet Oykener


“Following the tragedy at Grenfell Tower Enfield Council took the decision to retro fit sprinklers in all our tower blocks.  This will improve safety for our residents.


The cost of the work will be at least £8 million, and should be funded by the Government as they indicated that they would.  Not to do so would be a betrayal of our tenants and leaseholders.


13.5    Motion in the name of Councillor Doug Taylor


“Enfield Council notes the Government’s budget and its impact on Enfield.”


13.6       Motion in the name of Councillor Vicki Pite


“The Mayor of London launched The London Borough of Culture competition at the start of September 2017. The process of submitting an application will bring together Enfield's Cultural organisations and build on the good work done through Enfield Festivals and Events. There is so much to celebrate about Culture in Enfield including Europe’s most inclusive theatre at Chickenshed, accessibility and participation at Millfield, rich heritage and award winning organic farming at Forty Hall and community led Festivals and Events in parks across the borough. Along with our Museums, Theatres, Community Cinema, Community Arts Organisations, Jazz and Blues Clubs, Choirs, Orchestras and Enfield Music Service we have what it takes to make us London's Borough of Culture. This Council unanimously supports the bid.”


13.7       Motion in the name of Councillor Edward Smith


“The Conservative Opposition is deeply dismayed that Barratts, the Council’s principal development partner, has recently withdrawn from the Meridian Water Scheme. This could have enormous financial repercussions for the Council and will seriously delay the provision of desperately needed affordable housing in the borough.


The Council agrees to set out its proposals for enhancing its project management capability of large schemes, its plans to overcome the major financial and other outstanding risks at Meridian Water, and a revised timetable for the delivery of new housing and employment at Meridian Water.”


13.8       Motion in the name of Councillor Joanne Laban


“Enfield Council believes that air quality is an important issue in our borough. However, the Mayor of London’s proposal to extend the Ultra-Low Emission Zone to the North Circular is not the solution that Enfield requires. Enfield Council agrees to seek alternative measures that will make a real difference to Enfield residents and then write jointly to the Mayor to express our concerns about this proposal.”


13.9       Motion in the name of Councillor Edward Smith


“Since the four new repairs and maintenance contractors were appointed in May 2015, their performance has been poor in the vital role of delivering repairs and planned maintenance to 13,000 council homes.  Enfield Council agrees that the procurement process and subsequent management of these contracts has been seriously flawed causing great inconvenience to residents.”


13.10     Motion in the name of Councillor Terry Neville


“Following the recent sentencing of cyclist Charlie Alliston who was convicted of “wanton and furious driving” following the death of Mrs Kim Briggs in Old Street in London, and the more recent conviction of a second cyclist of “causing injury by wilful misconduct”, both ancient offences used by prosecutors to deal with these cases because of a lack of modern cycling law, the Council  calls on the government to thoroughly review the laws relating  to  cycling  to bring them into line with those applicable to motorists, so that the public are properly protected against  both the irresponsible and dangerous acts of a minority of cyclists, and from accidental damage injury when it occurs. Council instructs the Director of Law and Governance to forward this motion to the Secretary of State for Transport.”


Motion 13.6


Councillor Pite moved and Councillor Sitkin seconded the following motion:


“The Mayor of London launched The London Borough of Culture competition at the start of September 2017. The process of submitting an application will bring together Enfield's Cultural organisations and build on the good work done through Enfield Festivals and Events. There is so much to celebrate about Culture in Enfield including Europe’s most inclusive theatre at Chickenshed, accessibility and participation at Millfield, rich heritage and award winning organic farming at Forty Hall and community led Festivals and Events in parks across the borough. Along with our Museums, Theatres, Community Cinema, Community Arts Organisations, Jazz and Blues Clubs, Choirs, Orchestras and Enfield Music Service we have what it takes to make us London's Borough of Culture. This Council unanimously supports the bid.”


Following the debate, the motion was agreed, after a roll call vote with the following result:


For:  33


Councillor Abdullahi

Councillor Anderson

Councillor Bakir

Councillor Barry

Councillor A Cazimoglu

Councillor N Cazimoglu

Councillor Chibah

Councillor Dogan

Councillor Doyle

Councillor During

Councillor Ekechi

Councillor E Erbil

Councillor N Erbil

Councillor Fonyonga

Councillor Achilleas Georgiou

Councillor Hasan

Councillor Hurman

Councillor Jemal

Councillor Jiagge

Councillor Keazor

Councillor Lappage

Councillor Lemonides

Councillor Maguire

Councillor Orhan

Councillor Pite

Councillor Savva

Councillor Simon

Councillor Sitkin

Councillor Stewart

Councillor Steven

Councillor Taylor

Councillor Ulus


Against: 0


Abstentions: 15


Councillor Celebi

Councillor Chamberlain

Councillor David Sanders

Councillor Delman

Councillor Fallart

Councillor Alessandro Georgiou

Councillor E Hayward

Councillor R Hayward

Councillor Hurer

Councillor Laban

Councillor Milne

Councillor D Pearce

Councillor Rye

Councillor Steven

Councillor Vince


Motion 13.4  


Councillor Oykener moved and Councillor Taylor seconded the following motion: 


“Following the tragedy at Grenfell Tower Enfield Council took the decision to retro fit sprinklers in all our tower blocks.  This will improve safety for our residents.


The cost of the work will be at least £8 million, and should be funded by the Government as they indicated that they would.  Not to do so would be a betrayal of our tenants and leaseholders.”


During the debate, Councillor Vince moved and Councillor Rye seconded a proposal under paragraph 14.11 (a) (i) of the Council Constitution that the motion now be put.  This was not agreed, following a vote with the following result:


For:  13

Against:  31

Abstentions:  0


After further debate the motion was agreed without a vote. 


Motion 13.1      


Councillor Orhan moved and Councillor Pite seconded the following motion: 


“Having been hugely disappointed with Government’s failure to listen to our call for a fairer funding for Enfield Schools, Enfield Council looks forward to seeing increased funding for schools in the next budget.”


Following a debate the motion was agreed after a vote with the following result:


For:  33

Against: 14

Abstentions: 0


Change in the order of Business


Councillor Stewart moved and Councillor Ekechi seconded a proposal under paragraph 2.2(B) of the Council procedure rules to change the order of items on the agenda to take Motion 13.10 as the next item of business.  This was agreed without a vote. 


Motion 13.10   


Councillor Neville moved and Councillor Alessandro Georgiou seconded the following motion: 


“Following the recent sentencing of cyclist Charlie Alliston who was convicted of “wanton and furious driving” following the death of Mrs Kim Briggs in Old Street in London, and the more recent conviction of a second cyclist of “causing injury by wilful misconduct”, both ancient offences used by prosecutors to deal with these cases because of a lack of modern cycling law, the Council  calls on the government to thoroughly review the laws relating  to  cycling  to bring them into line with those applicable to motorists, so that the public are properly protected against  both the irresponsible and dangerous acts of a minority of cyclists, and from accidental damage injury when it occurs. Council instructs the Director of Law and Governance to forward this motion to the Secretary of State for Transport.”


During the debate, as the time allocated for this section of the meeting had run out, Councillor Taylor moved and Councillor Stewart seconded a proposal to adjourn the debate, under paragraph 14.11 (a) (iv) of the Council procedure rules.  It was agreed, without a vote, that the debate would be continued at the next meeting.


Duration of the time allowed for motions. 


The Mayor advised, at this stage of the meeting, that the time available for motions had now elapsed so Council Procedure Rule 9 would apply.


Motions 13.2, 13.3, 13.5, 13.7, 13.8 and 13.9 lapsed under the guillotine.  

Supporting documents: