To receive the report of the Principal Licensing Officer in respect of revised standard conditions for licensed special treatments establishments.
RECEIVED the report of the Principal Licensing Officer.
a. That the current standard set of conditions which have been in place a number of years now require updating to reflect changes in legislation and industry practices.
b. The proposed revised standard licence conditions would apply to all special treatment licensed premises within the borough.
c. The revised conditions are based on the recommended standard conditions for special treatment premises by the London Special Treatment Working Group, of which Enfield council is a participating member and are considered as best practice.
d. There is no requirement for the authority to consult with licence holders or any other party, but the health and safety team have been party to discussions.
AGREED that the Licensing Committee approved the revised standard conditions for licensed special treatments establishments and the Special conditions attached at Appendix C to H of the report, including modifications as discussed.
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