Agenda item

Older People's Housing and Care Project

A report from the Director of Adult Social Care and Executive Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services is attached. (Key decision – reference number 4624)

(Report No.148)

(7.25 – 7.30 pm)


Councillor Ahmet Oykener (Cabinet Member for Housing and Housing Regeneration) left the meeting for this item, Minute No.2 above referred.


Councillor Alev Cazimoglu (Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care) introduced the report of the Director of Adult Social Care and Executive Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services (No.148) seeking approval for Council officers to lead the local consideration and development of an Older People’s Housing and Care Project in line with the principles of development set out in the report.




1.               That this was an exciting project that would benefit some of the Borough’s most vulnerable residents.


2.               That the demographic of Enfield was changing. People were living longer, but not always in good health (paragraph 1.1 of the report referred). The number of people in Enfield over 65 years of age was forecast to increase by 23% over 10 years (paragraph 1.2 of the report). Innovative approaches were required across housing and care that could effectively respond to the needs identified. The development of an Enfield based Older People’s Housing and Care Project was one such approach.


3.               The local context with regard to current supply, increasing demand and projected future supply requirements as set out in the report. To maintain Enfield’s existing level of retirement housing supply (proportional to the population of older people), it was projected that approximately 325 additional retirement homes would be required by 2025.


4.               The proposals and benefits of co-locating specialist housing services with health, leisure and multi-generational facilities, including nursery services, as outlined in the report. Opportunities could be maximised for maintaining independence and also facilitate continuity of care as the needs of an individual escalated.


5.               The considerable work which had been undertaken by officers in gathering evidence and data and, reviewing existing examples of such provision in other areas.


6.               Members expressed their support of the proposals and drew on their own personal experiences in considering the way forward.


7.               In response to questions raised, it was explained that there were a number of options to be considered in going forward and that no decisions had been made at this stage. There was the potential to work with a number of partners and draw on a wide range of expertise across various sectors to bring together all of the future services and facilities required. There would be significant interest in moving this project forward for the benefit of the Borough and its residents. Members highlighted the diversity of the Borough and the need to ensure that any project took into account the varying cultural and religious background of its residents to ensure that all individual needs were taken into account and catered for in any future service provision. A full equalities impact assessment would be undertaken at the appropriate stages of the project’s development. Assurances were provided that such needs were considered in all such service provision.


8.               That this item was due to be considered further at a forthcoming meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Alternative Options Considered: NOTED the future options to be considered as set out in section 4 of the report.


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to


1.               Note the content of the report.


2.               Approve the local consideration and development of an Older People’s Housing and Care Project, as outlined in section 5 of the report and aligned with principles of development set out in Appendix A of the report.


3.               Authorise officers to progress the strategic planning of an Older People’s Housing and Care Project, to include site identification, site feasibility and service modelling (including financial modelling).


4.               Receive a further report to:


(a)  Note the outcome of the feasibility studies and site identification.

(b)  Authorise the tender of building development and/or delivery services as required.

(c)  Consider and approve Phase 2 development as set out in paragraph 5.6 of the report.


Reason: The reasons for the recommendations were set out in detail in section 6 of the report.

(Key decision – reference number 4624)


Councillor Ahmet Oykener returned to the meeting.

Supporting documents: