Agenda item


A report from the Executive Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services is attached. (Report No.141, agenda part two also refers) (Non key)

(Report No.139)

(8.40 – 8.45 pm)




Councillor Dino Lemonides (Cabinet Member for Finance and Efficiency) introduced the report of the Executive Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services (No.139) presenting the Annual Report for 2016/17.




1.               That Report No.141 also referred as detailed in Minute No.19 below.


2.               That Housing Gateway Limited (established in March 2014 and operational by June 2014) was successfully enabling the Council to discharge its statutory homeless duties into the private sector whilst reducing the temporary accommodation budget pressures.


3.               That 414 properties purchased had significantly exceeded the indicative target of 300 purchases by the end of year 3. In doing so Housing Gateway Limited had achieved its four-year target one year early. By March 2017 the Council had realised £2.5m cost avoidance by moving families out of expensive nightly paid accommodation in Housing Gateway Limited properties.


4.               The detail of the Year 3 business case; strategic progress; operational progress and recognition as set out in the report. The standard of the accommodation provided was very high. The challenges faced due to external factors (section 7 of the report referred), including a continued increase in house prices; and, a freeze on the Local Housing Allowance which had meant that the rent received by the company had not increased in line with other costs.


5.               That during the third year of operation, Housing Gateway Limited had purchased a block of 124 flats in the Borough which was leased to the Council for use as temporary accommodation (section 8 of the report referred).


6.               The recognition that the company had received as outlined in section 9 of the report.


7.               In response to questions raised, clarification was provided on the key statistics set out in paragraph 5.5 of the report.


8.               Members discussed the provision of suitably adapted properties to meet the identified care needs of potential tenants. Members’ attention was drawn to paragraphs 3.3 and 7.5 of the report. Housing Gateway had embarked on a project involving Enfield Council’s Learning Disability team with regard to the provision of homes for tenants with learning difficulties enabling them to live independently. Suitable accommodation was also being sought for residents with disabilities that the private sector market could not provide because of their complex needs. Members were also advised of the use of the Mayor’s Housing Fund where possible to assist with independent living solutions.


9.               The success of Housing Gateway Limited and the continued innovative work taking place to meet a wide range of needs in the Borough. It was noted that other London Boroughs were interested in the Enfield’s approach and practices.


10.           Members’ request for the report to be referred up to full Council for information and noting.


Alternative Options Considered: NOTED that alternative options were not available. Housing Gateway Limited was required to report to the sole shareholder via an Annual report.


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to note the contents of the Housing Gateway Limited Annual Report 2016-17.


RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL for information and noting only, the Housing Gateway Limited Annual Report 2016-17.


Reason: The Council was the sole shareholder of Housing Gateway Limited and it had been agreed that an Annual Report would be presented to update the Council on the progress made by the company. The information held in the Annual Report (part one) would also be used to inform the annual Chairperson’s report which was published on the company’s website.

(Non key)


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