Agenda item


Andrea Clemons, Head of Community Safety to provide a verbal progress update. This will include an update on the ASB- Kerb Crawling initiative.



Andrea Clemons Head of Community Safety presented an update and highlighted the following:



i)                 The Mayor’s Office for Policing & Crime (MOPAC) has now published the new Police & Crime Plan 2017-2021 for London which sets out the priorities for the safety of London.

ii)               The Priorities in Enfield’s own Partnership Plan closely reflect those of MOPAC. These are:

·       Reducing burglary and keeping people safe at home;

·       Tackling violent crime – in all its forms

·       Keeping young people safe and reducing their risks from crime;

·       Promoting cohesion and tackling hate crime;

·       Dealing with anti-social behaviour.

iii)              Having been reviewed by the Safe & Stronger Community Board it has been agreed that Enfield will retain these same priorities going forward. This has been reported to MOPAC and it has been indicated that we will be achieving full spend against our projects. Any small underspend will be re-profiled.


iv)             Enfield currently received just over £500k per year in funding from the Mayor of London’s Office. This money has been used on various projects including:

·       Purchased the services of a Gangs & Sexual Violence Worker.

·       Purchased the services of a Mentoring Officer working for St Giles Trust. This person works closely with young people through the Gangs Partnership Group route. (They have so far worked on 39 difficult cases achieving good outcomes).

·       A small fraction of the funding has also gone towards a programme for tackling young people with drugs and substances misuse. Again this has resulted in some very positive and encouraging outcomes.

·       A Youth Outreach Project has also been delivered by a third sector organisation called Oasis. This project is based in the A&E Department at North Middlesex Hospital and they deal with young people presenting at A&E who have been the victim of a violent crime.

·       Oasis also work with getting young people into employment.

·       We have also purchased two independent Domestic Violence Advocates who have received over 750 referrals over the past year. Some of the more serious cases have been taken all the way through the criminal justice system. There are also a number of the same posts but these are funded differently.


v)               We have also asked for an additional £20k to support some activity particularly around Fore Street, Edmonton, regarding prostitution and kerb crawling. The Police are already undertaking a lot of work in this area around this issue but Enfield Council is keen to target it from both angles. We have however asked for this enforcement action to be profiled in a slightly different way.

vi)             The £500k from MOPAC was a two year funding pot and was proposed as a two year parcel for 2017/18 and 2018/19. This is based on a successful delivery of the projects/priorities which were agreed to. MOPAC scrutinise to check that the priorities have been met and this will be looked at again in 2018/19.


The following questions were raised:


Q.Where have the 750 Domestic Violence referrals originated from?

A.  These can be self-referrals but the majority have come via the Police.


Q. Are there Youth Workers in other hospital A&E Departments such as Barnet?

A.  Other local hospitals are looking to fund something similar. For us with limited resources, there was more demand to have this Youth Worker Project in North Middlesex Hospital at the time of introducing it.