Agenda item


A report from the Executive Director – Place and Executive Director - Resources is attached. (Key decision – reference number 4679)

(Report No.28)

(8.35 – 8.40 pm)


Councillor Dino Lemonides (Cabinet Member for Housing) introduced the report of the Executive Director Place (No.28) seeking approval to run a pilot project for the development of roof space units as set out in the report.




1.               That there were increasing pressures on housing supply in Enfield, in particular on temporary accommodation. At the end of March 2018 Enfield had been ranked second highest nationally for the number of families in temporary accommodation, most of which were housed in private sector owned properties (section 1 of the report referred).


2.               That this project presented the opportunity to: deliver cost effective properties that sit within the Council’s ownership; develop quality and stable accommodation located within the borough; utilise right to buy receipts to the greatest value; and, use the pilot to develop the process/structure to deliver more than 200 units.


3.               The current position and the work that was being undertaken as outlined in the report. Residents would be consulted on specific proposals. Members also noted the benefits to existing leaseholders in the potential provision of new roofs to the blocks in question as part of a development.


4.               The project would financially benefit the council in several ways, as set out in section 3.10 of the report.


5.               A proposed amendment to the delegated authority set out in recommendation 2.3 of the report and reflected in decision 3 below.


6.               It was noted that the proposals were building on the success of the Council’s previous administration.


7.               In response to issues raised by Members, the Executive Director Place agreed to investigate the impact and appropriate future provision of satellite dishes on the blocks concerned.


8.               That this was an important development in moving forward but Members recognised that this project alone would not meet the growing housing demands.


Alternative Options Considered: NOTED that the Council could continue to invest right to buy receipts in its street property purchase strategy, however the properties being purchased represent a cost of almost double of the equivalent size of properties developed within roof space. Section 4 of the report set out the detailed alternative options which had been considered.


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed


1.               To approve delivery of a pilot scheme of 25 to 50 additional housing units including all design and procurement decisions by converting roof space or adding floors to selected HRA low-rise blocks in the borough subject to viability and availability of HRA funding/Right to Buy Receipts.


2.               To authorise the council to enter into separate lease agreements for council owned vacant roof space with Housing Gateway Ltd to develop and manage the units for PRS letting (Discharge of Homeless Duty), should HRA funding/Right to Buy Receipts not be available.


3.               Delegate authority to the Executive Director Place, in consultation with the Executive Director Resources, the Cabinet Member for Housing and the Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement to expand the scheme to develop further new social housing units subject to success of the pilot scheme.


Reason: NOTED, the detailed reasons for the recommendations as set out in full in section 5 of the report.

(Key decision – reference number 4679)

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