Agenda item


To receive a report from Andrea Clemons, Head of Community Safety.


Andrea Clemons Head of Community Safety presented this report and highlighted the following:


i)             Andrea thanked the Committee for the opportunity to provide the performance update and reminded Members that it is framed to support Enfield’s Partnership Plan (4 years – 2017-2021).

ii)            The report analyses the five priorities identified in the borough of Enfield and discusses the performance compared to other London boroughs.

iii)           The measures reflect the priorities in our own Partnership Plan which are:

·         Reducing burglary and keeping people safe at home;

·         Tackling violent crime – in all its forms

·         Keeping young people safe and reducing their risks from crime;

·         Promoting cohesion and tackling hate crime;

·         Dealing with anti-social behaviour.

iv)           The report demonstrates progress in crime figures against the five bulleted priorities above.

v)            Total Notifiable Offences in Enfield have increased by 10.6% in the year ending August 2018. In London there has been a smaller increase of 3.1% in the same period.

vi)           Residential burglaries in Enfield have increased by 29.5% in the year ending August 2018

vii)          Serious Youth Violence has increased in the last year in Enfield by 2.1% and London has experienced a similar increase of 2% in the same period.

viii)        Although the rate of Serious Youth Violence victims is higher than this time last year, there has been a small reduction in Enfield month by month since April 2018.

ix)           Of the 32 London boroughs, Enfield is currently 3rd for Serious Youth Violence in the year ending August 2018, compared to 5th the previous year.

x)            Knife Crime in Enfield has increased by 19.4% in the year to August 2018 compared to the previous year. London has experienced a smaller increase in Knife Crime of 9.3%%.

xi)           Just under half of all Non-Domestic Knife Crime injury victims in the last year were under the age of 24, accounting for 49.4%. Gun Crime offences overall in Enfield have seen a decrease of 2.7% in the last year.

xii)          There were 2404 Residential Burglaries in Enfield in the year ending August 2018, compared to 1856 in the previous year, an increase of 29.5%. In London there was a smaller increase of 21.3% in Residential Burglaries.

xiii)        Although there is still a significant increase in Residential Burglaries compared to last year, there has been a continuous reduction in Residential Burglaries in Enfield between April 2018 and July 2018. However Residential Burglaries saw a sharp increase in August 2018, this patter was also mirrored in London.

xiv)        Enfield has the 6th highest rate of Residential Burglaries of the 32 London boroughs recording 18.3 residential burglaries per 1000 households. It was however noted at this point that Enfield has a considerably high number of house therefore the rate per 1000 household brings the figures to a much more improved level

xv)         Year three of MetTrace was rolled out in Enfield on the 14/06/2017 in various Wards across the borough. As of 03/09/2018 there have been 5,108 kits distributed since the start of year three and the project aims to distribute a further 4,153 by the end of 2018.

xvi)        With regards to Residential Burglaries the priority now is to ensure that residents are aware of seasonal fluctuations to burglary, addressed in part through partnership communications campaigns.

xvii)       Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) calls have reduced in Enfield by 7.7% in the year ending August 2018, compared to the same period last year.

xviii)      A table was also included in the report detailing the Order Type, the status of the order, the age range of offenders and the number of orders that are Gang related.

xix)        Andrea then went through each of the further priorities in detail and provided figures, data and the proposed measures for each one.

xx)         With regards to Issues and Challenges it was noted that Serious Youth Violence is the highest priority currently and a workshop and public event have taken place to engage with communities to discuss solutions.

xxi)        Extra Policing and the focus of the task force is proving to have a positive impact since its introduction.


The following questions and comments were raised:


Q.        Councillor Dey referred to the increase of 10.6% in Total Notifiable Offences and asked why this figure was so out of kilter with the rest of London. How is this being addressed?

A.        Total Notifiable Offences can be anything, for example Burglary is an area where positive outcomes can be achieved through our preventative work. For example, the clocks going back results in an increase in burglaries. We can make a difference by engaging with householders and offering help and support around crime prevention. The Safer Houses Campaign is also a targeted programme which is also used.


Q.        Councillor Uddin said that last year Asian households had been specifically targeted for Gold. Are these targeted burglaries continuing?

A.        It was not clear whether these targeted burglaries had stopped completely but incidences hadn’t been heard of recently.


Q.        The London Borough of Newham has seen a large decrease in Serious Youth Crime. What can Enfield learn from this?

A.        At the end of 2017 Newham experienced a high number of murders, which resulted in them receiving extra resources, the outcome of which has seen Serious Youth Violence decrease considerably in Newham. Enfield has since become a recipient of a similar resource via the Violent Crime Task Force and, as a result of this, Enfield had a substantial reduction in SYV during the summer, as did Haringey. If we can continue to receive this support, we are confident that we can further reduce this figure.


Q.        What is the detected rate for Residential Burglaries?

A.        There is a 3.1% detection rate for Residential Burglaries.


Q.        What is the strategy for Burglary? How can Councillors assure residents wat we are doing to address this issue?

A.        MetTrace continues as does the scheme to provide locks and bolts to vulnerable people. A Communications Campaign around crime prevention/burglary is being delivered via the papers and digitally. It was also noted at the start of the year there were 352 Community Safety Cameras in the borough.


The Chair thanked Andrea for her informative update and Superintendent Brookes for his valuable contributions.


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