Agenda item


To receive an update from Superintendent (Neighbourhoods) Nigel Brookes on police numbers in the borough.


RECEIVED an update from Superintendent (Neighbourhoods) Nigel Brookes on police numbers in the borough.




(i)            Enfield are now in the transition of becoming one unit (North Area Basic Crime Unit) with Haringey so this would be the last report of this type. Future reports to the committee will look very different and will be more complex and not Enfield specific.

(ii)          The figures in the report on page 21 of the agenda which detailed a more accurate picture of operational officers on the Borough, including abstractions, vacancies and acting up posts.

(iii)         The overall BWT target is 545 full time employees (minus 5 original SLT0.

(iv)         There are currently 490.54 police officers in post which leaves 54.46 vacancies.

(v)          Of these numbers 1 officer is officially on attachment and another 13 are currently at training school and street duties on the borough.

(vi)         The shortfall in Detectives across the borough. The MET are looking at more creative ways to attract and retain Detectives, one of which is the Direct Entry Scheme which is proving very positive.

(vii)        A shortfall in uniformed Sergeant posts, but this will hopefully be addressed by January 2019.

(viii)       To join the MET now you must have lived in London for three of the last six years and this residency requirement is set to continue.

(ix)         Lots of work is taking place to address the shortfall in Officers, for example engaging with the harder to reach communities. Another example is that visible tattoos will now be permitted as part of the recruitment criteria.

(x)          Further information was provided regarding the Basic Crime Unit and discussions took place as to how the transition to one unit would affect Enfield.

(xi)         Following the transition Police numbers will not reduce. It will also result in enhanced numbers of Officers in School and Youth engagement work

(xii)        Some very exciting possibilities with the transition to the BCU, coupled however with some risks and challenges.


The following comments/questions were raised:


Q.        What is the realistic time scale for the MET to be fully recruited?

A.        It will take a prolonged period for the MET to reach full strength, especially given the high turn-over rate of Officers.


Q.        How many PCSOs are there in the borough?

A.        One per Ward and these are managed centrally in terms of recruitment and training.


Q.        How many Specials do we currently have in the borough?

A.        I will check these figures and feedback at the next meeting. It should also be remembered that the working hours of our Specials vary greatly.

            We also have a fantastic Police Cadet Programme in Enfield.

            Action: Superintendent Nigel Brookes


Q.        Will Enfield Police Station stay where it is?

A.        Yes, it will and will also be refurbished.


Q.        What is being done to improve retention rates?

A.        One new scheme currently be offered is that Officers who have retired can come back but still retain some of their benefits


The Chair thanked Superintendent Brookes for his interesting update.

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