Agenda item


A report from the Executive Director – People is attached. (Key decision – reference number 4781)

(Report No.121)

(7.30 – 7.40 pm)


Councillor Alev Cazimoglu (Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care) introduced the report of the Executive Director – People (No.121) presenting the Enfield Safeguarding Adults Strategy 2018-2023 and the Safeguarding Adults Annual Report 2017/18.


Councillor Cazimoglu expressed her appreciation to the previous Independent Chair of the Enfield Safeguarding Adults Board, Christabel Shawcross, and welcomed Geraldine Gavin as the new Independent Chair.




1.            The Safeguarding Adults Strategy 2018-23 as set out in the report, including the identified priority actions of preventing abuse; protecting adults at risk; learning from experience; and, improving services.


2.            That consultation on the Strategy had taken place between May and August 2018; 224 responses had been received, with approximately 80% agreeing with the identified priority areas.


3.            That the Annual Report 2017/18 highlighted the key work that had been undertaken by the Board and its partners to keep adults at risk of abuse and harm in Enfield, safe during the year. The Board had managed and dealt with an increased number of concerns raised and continued to work closely with the Borough’s care homes and service providers.


4.            Councillor Cazimoglu expressed her appreciation of the outstanding work of the Board and all partners involved in this area of work at a time of increasing service demands and austerity. Cabinet Members were encouraged to read the case studies highlighted which clearly demonstrated the importance of the safeguarding work undertaken.


5.            Members praised the Strategy and Annual Report which were well presented and informative. A request was made for future Annual Reports to include the membership details of the Board.


6.            A number of specific issues of clarification raised by Members which Geraldine Gavin responded to and explained in detail, including the work being done to tackle instances of hate crime and, fire safety measures available for deaf residents.


7.            That the provision and availability of data was improving together with its analysis and monitoring. The Board would continue to monitor and respond to all areas of concern, raise awareness and seek improvements where required.


8.            In response to questions raised, Members were informed of the extensive and important safeguarding work that was carried out with the Borough’s nursing homes. Members were pleased to note the improvement in the quality rating of the nursing homes in Enfield; 75% of these homes had achieved a “good” CQC (Care Quality Commission) inspection rating at the end of March 2018. The work that was undertaken was outlined in detail including regular audits and the Quality Checker programme; which involved 50 experienced volunteers who were either service users or carers. There were approximately 100 care homes in the Borough.


9.            Members were advised of the co-operation and discussions held with other responsible authorities and Safeguarding Boards to share knowledge and experience; provide peer challenges; undertake assurance processes; and, audit existing practices and outcomes. Improvements were continually sought. It was noted that Enfield had previously achieved the “Gold Standard” in “Making Safeguarding Personal”, the second authority in the country and first in London to do so.


10.         Members congratulated all those involved for the essential work that was continuing to be undertaken to safeguard vulnerable adults in the Borough. The importance of prevention work was acknowledged together with the valued contribution of the volunteer “Quality Checkers” as addressed in the Annual Report. Their work had been acknowledged through the “100 hours volunteering awards” events.


11.         The continuing demands on service provision and the existing and continued financial constraints on local authorities were highlighted.  


Alternative Options Considered: The Care Act placed a duty on Safeguarding Adults Boards to publish its strategic plan each financial year. Guidance states this plan should address both short and longer-term actions and it must set out how it would help adults in its areas and what actions each member of the Safeguarding Adults Board would take to deliver the strategic plan and protect better. This plan had historically been for a three-year period; however, the Enfield Safeguarding Adults Board had agreed for a 5-year plan; to enable more ambitious consultation and projects to be developed.


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to


1.            Endorse the Safeguarding Adults Strategy 2018-2023 for recommendation to Council.


2.            Note the work detailed in the Safeguarding Adults Annual Report 2017-18 to keep adults at risk in Enfield safe.


RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL to endorse the Enfield Safeguarding Adults Strategy 2018-2023.


Reason: Developing a five-year strategy had meant that the Board had been able to be more ambitious in its consultation work. 224 responses had been received, which was more than the previous two consultations. The five-year strategy also enabled the development of more complex, longer term projects, which would need to be meaningfully developed through community engagement, IT and Social Media and Isolation projects.

(Key decision – reference number 4781)

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