Agenda item


To receive an update on the Enfield Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (Stuart Lines, Director of Public Health / Harriet Potemkin, Strategy and Policy Hub Manager / Mark Tickner, Senior Public Health Strategist).


RECEIVED the report of Stuart Lines (Director of Public Health).




Public Health officers’ introduction of the report highlighted:

  The previous JHWBS had been reviewed. There had been some improvements, such as reduction in teenage conception rates, but performance was difficult to measure in many areas.

  The successive strategy would need more specific focus and have more detailed and measurable outcomes and action plans.

  The 2019 – 2022 strategy was based on discussions with Board Members since the summer, and on public consultation, including a community event.

  There had been broad support for the vision.

  Members were encouraged to provide feedback and comments.

  Patricia Mecinska highlighted the report by Healthwatch Enfield set out from page 77 in the agenda pack, and that the organisation had been keen to be involved and had utilised their annual conference for conversation and feedback with the community. The re-focused priorities were welcomed, as well as the strong recommendation that mental health had more focus in the new strategy.


IN RESPONSE comments and questions were received, including:

1.    There had not been resistance expressed to expanding smoking bans, and Bindi Nagra recommended that measures to introduce more no-smoking areas would receive support, and that bold ideas should be discussed and convention challenged. A number of potential actions were discussed for being smoke-free.

2.    In response to a query on how the strategy linked with the Local Plan, for example to encourage exercise, it was confirmed that the Board had an input into the Local Plan, and that a health assessment was being carried out in respect of the Meridian Water development. There was also a proposal that Board membership be expanded to include representatives for Housing, Regeneration and Planning.

3.    Parin Bahl’s comments that the strategy included priorities which had the support of local people, and which came from data and evidence.

4.    Members emphasised the need for joined up thinking and that recommendations had to work practically for people. The strategy could appear simple, but this was a transformational opportunity for the Council and its partners.

5.    In respect of increasing activity, the participation in Park Run was discussed, and introduction of Junior Park Run, as well as encouraging more schools to participate in ‘daily mile’ or running initiatives. Distance markers along routes to / from stations or bus stops or parks were also suggested. It was important to make physical activity part of everyday life, and without financial cost.

6.    Patricia Mecinska’s comment that people had knowledge about what to do to be healthier. The biggest challenge was going to be changing people’s habits. Many solutions of what could practically be done were cheap or free, and would help alleviate social isolation, such as gym buddy systems, first timer sessions and group activities. There was a role for commissioners to communicate to the grass roots. As employers there was a role to give staff time to exercise and to offer healthy food choices. She requested that work continued with local residents in order to make a meaningful difference. A number of those people engaging wanted to know more and could be kept informed via a newsletter.

7.    The next steps were set out. Harriet Potemkin would provide all partners with an action plan template to gather specific measurable outcomes to be actioned over the next 12 months. It was suggested that a HWBB development session should be convened before the end of April. The final version of the strategy would be submitted to the Board for approval in May.

ACTION: Public Health Team / Harriet Potemkin


AGREED that Health and Wellbeing Board considered the results of the public consultation and:

(1)  provided feedback on the draft strategy narrative and suggested any changes;

(2)  provided a commitment to action from their organisation in relation to the priority areas. These commitments would then be included in the strategy action plan.

Supporting documents: