Examination of crime statistics received.
Further to the information provided in the agenda pack the following was highlighted or discussed:
· There is lots of data included which has taken on board previous comments made. The Ward data includes attempted offences as well, it should be noted that there would not necessarily have been a substantive offence committed. This does not include all offences instead focuses on the high impact and high harm offences.
· A query was raised on figures of theft of motor vehicles, it was confirmed that these figures or other relevant figures can be provided for the CAPE’s at their meetings if required. Neil queried whether information was being received by CAPE’s and was advised that generally this is but can very between CAPE’s and it is also important how well prepared the officers are that attend. Neil requested that any issues on these issues be reported to him.
· It was confirmed that the Ward statistics are police figures not MOPAC figures, but there will be anomalies from time to time, an example of why this might happen was late reporting of crimes.
· The report prepared by the Community Safety Unit showed comparisons against London and showed some alarming areas.
· Residential burglary is a big issue, there has also been a national rise in this crime. Barnet is the current hotspot and it is believed that offenders travel into the borough. The police are reviewing how they look at this issue, looking at the local crime picture of when this occurs and adjust the working hours accordingly. There are also looking at prevention advice.
· Clarification was provided that gun crime includes where a gun has been intimated, not necessarily seen. Whilst the numbers are relatively low for this crime it is being proactively looked at..
· It was confirmed that the gangs’ group is progressing well and the merger with Haringey has proved positive. There is a proactive CID unit in both Enfield and Haringey and a Central Unit. A previous presentation provided to the Safer Neighbourhood Board on gangs had been very well received.
· The pack contained a number of graphs on serious youth violence showing alarming figures for Enfield. There is lots of work ongoing to try to divert young people away from gang involvement undertaken by the police, the council and in schools. Awareness raising on the signs to look out for has also taken place with parents. County Lines can now be dealt with as child criminal exploitation and these young people will no longer be treated as criminals instead the focussing will be on those controlling them.
· It was confirmed work is undertaken with primary schools. An early warning signs covering the dangers of the lifestyle has been given to a whole year 5 group at a large primary school in Edmonton by the police and partners including rehabilitated offenders. This has also included work all age presentations with age appropriate information provided. The aspiration is to offer this to all schools as early warning alongside the more targeted work with those identified as vulnerable to joining gangs.
· The Chair confirmed that the Met set the priorities for the Police and the Safer & Stronger Communities Board set the priorities for Enfield. Enfield’s priorities are detailed within the report from the Community Safety Unit. When these priorities are set there should be consultation with the Safer Neighbourhood Board and this will happen in future. Andrea Clemons, the Head of the Community Safety Unit has agreed to attend a future Safer Neighbourhood Board meeting to talk about the proposed priorities prior to them being set.
· It was raised that Enfield is a diverse borough with different crimes affecting different areas, this is common with other London boroughs. However, the Safer Neighbourhood Board would need to think about the priorities for the borough as a whole.
· It was felt that the report provided on response times was confusing and unclear. Neil acknowledged this and will look at how future reports could be provided in a clearer improved format. He confirmed that the I calls (999) are the biggest priority, there had been a drop off in timings in March and was not clear why and would need to be looked at in further detail.
· Target Establishment for the CAPE’s, Erica Crawshaw will be starting maternity leave mid-July and cover is being sought. There are 7 sergeants who are all well established. All 42 Police constables are in place, there are some waiting to leave, and recruitment is ongoing to identify suitable replacements. Enfield currently has one more PCSO than our target figure and will remain until someone resigns.
· Enfield currently has one more PCSO than our target figure and will remain unless someone resigns.
· The issue of Council funded estate officers was discussed, they currently work over 4 estates and will in future be looking to increase the number of estates they cover. The current contract is due for renewal in September. There are 9 in place currently due to some on long term sick and one leaving. However, the Met have a PC shortage and vacancies are being carried. Since the Met’s criteria for living inside the M25 has been changed a massive increase of applicants has been seen which are currently being trained prior to being allocated. The chair stated that on behalf of the SNB he would support the Council funding as many officers as possible. The scheme is changing for Council funding of officers before it used to be that for every officer the Council funds the Met will fund another in future the Met will not be funding any additional officers.
· Specials still exist in Enfield and the police are keen to increase these numbers
· A query was raised on whether MetTrace was ongoing and whether this could be put in place in Bowes and Southgate Green wards. Neil advised that this is currently out to tender and was being looked at a senior level what flexibility is available on who the kits can be provided to. The Chair confirmed that rolling out of smart water into the next year.is in the Safer & Stronger Communities Board crime reduction plan.
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