Agenda item

Meridian Water Employment Strategy

A report from the Executive Director – Place is attached. (Key decision – reference number 4881)

(Report No.212)


Councillor Nesil Caliskan (Leader) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Place (No.212) presenting for endorsement and approval an Employment Strategy for Meridian Water.




1.            The key outputs and employment theme outcomes as summarised in section 1.3 of the report including the creation of 6,000 high quality jobs at London Living Wage or above and, a target of securing £390 million of contracts to employers in Enfield and adjacent boroughs over the lifetime of the programme. The Employment Strategy would seek to benefit local people and businesses and provide a clear framework in moving forward with potential partners.


2.            The meanwhile update and employment strategy overview as set out in section 3 of the report. Members noted the proposals relating to apprenticeships, local jobs and work placements and targeting young people with a potential construction academy.


3.            That a Skills Strategy would be developed to work with the Employment Strategy for the benefit of young people in the Borough. Emphasis would be placed on opportunities for 18 to 24-year olds, including vulnerable groups such as care leavers and ex-offenders.


4.            That the Unite Construction Charter, supported by the Council, had been, and would continue to be, implemented as part of the procurement processes undertaken with potential development partners.


5.            That, subject to approval of the Employment Strategy, officers would develop a detailed action plan that implements the Strategy’s aims and objectives and measures progress against targets.


6.            That Members welcomed the Strategy that would support the Council’s ambitions for Meridian Water including place shaping, employment opportunities and benefits to the local area, its residents and businesses. The areas of deprivation in the Borough were acknowledged together with the need to provide high quality jobs and affordable housing.


7.         The ambitions for Meridian Water included the development of well-connected neighbourhoods with good transport links into both central London and through the Stansted corridor. It would be a good location for employment and businesses. Good quality jobs would be created for the benefit of local people. The foundations were being laid for both future employment and residential housing over the coming years. This would be of benefit to some of the currently most deprived wards in the Borough. The Strategy set out the key principles that govern future employers at Meridian Water, as detailed in paragraph 3.10 of the report.


8.         In response to questions raised, the cultural offer at Meridian Water was outlined and discussed. This included the potential for a film studio and skills academy to access the film and television industry; the success of the Drumsheds and the potential for growth in future numbers of people being able to access events held; and, the work currently being undertaken with local artists and children on artwork to be revealed in the near future. The success of the Meanwhile Strategy was acknowledged with an anticipated income generation of approximately £1 million.


9.         That Members welcomed and supported the Employment Strategy.


Alternative Options Considered: NOTED, that the alternative option was not to make the most of the Meridian Water Development by not looking to create employment opportunities for residents. This was against the Council’s objective to improve residents’ life chances so had been discounted.


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to


1.            Approve the Meridian Water Employment Strategy.


2.            Note, at paragraph 3.15 of the report, that master planning and financial modelling would be undertaken on employment land uses and a report brought to Cabinet if a revised land use mix materially alters the baseline financial model.


3.            Delegate approval of the follow up Meanwhile Use Strategy to the Meridian Water Programme Director.


Reason: To endorse and approve the Council’s approach to employment at Meridian Water including Construction, Meanwhile and Permanent Jobs over three distinct but interdependent 8-year phases. Making sure residents were the key beneficiaries of the approach thereby increasing the life chances of Edmonton residents. Endorsement and adoption of this Employment Strategy for Meridian Water would deliver against two of the Meridian Water Placemaking Pillars; Your Place to Make and Create and Mixing Uses; Animating Streets.

(Key decision – reference number 4881)

Supporting documents: