Agenda item

Reardon Court Extra Care Housing Scheme

A report from the Executive Director – People and Executive Director - Place is attached. (Report No.51, agenda part two also refers) (Key decision – reference number 4898)

(Report No.48)

(8.05 – 8.10 pm)


Councillor Nesil Caliskan (Leader of the Council) introduced the report of the Executive Director – People and Executive Director – Place (No.48) updating on requirements for allocation against the Council’s Capital Programme to support the development of this project in line with the Council’s GLA bid submission.




1.            That Report No.51 also referred as detailed in Minute No.21 below.


2.            Members were pleased to note the positive news that negotiations with the GLA had resulted in an increased capital contribution – from £60,000 to £103,771 per unit, and following a successful bid in February 2019, £9,443,161 funding had now been secured.


3.            That this report provided an update on requirements for allocation against the Council’s capital programme to support the development of this project in line with the Council’s GLA bid submission (Minute No.21 below referred).


4.            The scope of the development and range of accommodation proposed as set out in the report.


5.            The pre-planning application discussions that were taking place prior to the formal planning application being submitted in September 2019. Proposed site modelling discussions were being undertaken, it might be possible to develop circa 91 self-contained homes on the Reardon Court site subject to consideration of a full planning application.


6.            Members were advised of the consultation and briefings that had taken place so far.


7.            Members praised the proposals and congratulated officers on the progress to date and the success in securing the improved GLA funding allocation as set out in the report. The timescales for the development were noted.


8.            A discussion took place on the extra care housing scheme, the units to be provided and the basis on which they would be allocated. The units would provide a good alternative to residential care and allow residents to retain some independence whilst also having access to care support services. This was a significant and sustainable care provision for the Borough.


Alternative Options Considered: NOTED, the detailed options that had been considered as set out in section 4 of the report including doing nothing or proceeding on existing borrowing approvals.


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to


1.            Note the content of the report, including the Council’s successful bid to the Greater London Authority (GLA) for £9,443,161 capital funding to develop Extra Care Housing at Reardon Court.


2.            Delegate authority to the Executive Director – Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement, the Director of Health and Adult Social Care and the Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care:


a.    The award of construction work contracts for the demolition and redevelopment of the site.

b.    Project management and procurement arrangements including operational resourcing, appointments for all pre and post contract construction services and submission of a planning application.


3.            Approve the application of funds (circa £2.5m – as detailed in section 3.5.7 of the report) from the Kingsdowne Society Trust to this project – subject to administrators releasing the funds and the Charity Commission approval – to reduce the Council’s borrowing requirement for the scheme.


4.            Approve the allocation of capital funding for this development from the Council’s Capital Programme based on the improved business case (Report No. 51 also referred as detailed in Minute No.21 below).


Reason: NOTED, the detailed reasons for the recommendations as set out in section 5 of the report covering the financial rationale, strategic rationale and community and public value rationale.

(Key decision – reference number 4898)

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