Agenda item


A report from the Executive Director – People is attached. (Key decision – reference number 4913)

 (Report No.5)

(7.20 – 7.30 pm)


Councillor Rick Jewell (Cabinet Member for Children’s Services) introduced the report of the Executive Director – People (No.5) presenting the Enfield Ofsted report and associated improvement plan.




1.            The good outcome from the recent Ofsted inspection as detailed in the report. The Ofsted inspectors had identified further work that was required to improve consistency in the areas of: decision making and quality of plans for children in need; the response to children missing from home; the response to children in private fostering arrangements; and, providing health information for care leavers.


2.            As detailed in the report, the Local Authority had put in place an Ofsted improvement action plan, and further investment was being sought to increase permanent staffing and reduce agency costs. An investment of £375k in Children’s Social Care was sought to enable the service to deliver the actions identified in the Ofsted improvement plan, as set out in the report and the decision below.


3.            That the Cabinet had noted at their previous meeting the positive outcome of the Ofsted inspection, which had confirmed Enfield’s positive position in comparison to other local authorities. Members praised Enfield’s performance and noted the previous investment of £1m that had been made in Children’s Services to support front line staff in meeting increasing demand and pressures at a time of significant financial challenges to local authorities. This investment had been reflected in the positive inspection outcome. A further investment was now required to enable the actions identified in the improvement plan to be met.


4.            Members reiterated their congratulations and appreciation to Officers. Several positive comments from the inspection report were highlighted and noted. Members supported the request for further investment, as outlined in the report.


5.            In relation to the Enfield Ofsted Improvement Plan (Appendix 1 of the report referred) Members were updated on the progress of the improvement actions set out in the report. The plans and actions in place regarding improving the quality of plans for children in need were explained in detail including the staffing provision in place and planned with the additional investment now being sought. There was an increased focus on improving educational outcomes for Children in Need which was being led by the Head of the Virtual School, as set out in the improvement plan.


6.            A discussion took place on the actions followed for children missing from home and the improvements being sought. It was noted that the majority had wider social care issues. The statutory requirements which applied to cases of missing children were explained. The Local Authority worked closely with the Police in such cases.


7.            In relation to private fostering, responsibility had now been transferred to the Council’s Fostering Team as set out in the improvement plan, to ensure that the children were living in safe arrangements to meet their needs.


8.            In response to questions raised, the process and timescales for monitoring and reviewing the Improvement Plan were explained to Members including regular progress reviews at the Practice and Performance Board and regular briefings with the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services. An annual review was expected with Ofsted in December 2019 to track progress following the full inspection in March 2019. This would be followed by a focused visit by Ofsted, as detailed in the report. The further investment was necessary to ensure that the identified improvement actions could be completed.


Alternative Options Considered: NOTED, that a social care agency had recently been commissioned to deliver some children in need services to enable swift and speedy reduction in caseloads to meet statutory duties within set timescales however maintaining agency staff was not cost effective in the long term. The investment requested from Cabinet would enable a reduction in agency staff, increase in permanent recruitment, strengthen further the stability of the workforce and reduce staff turnover.


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to


1.            Note the good outcome published in the Enfield Ofsted report (15th April 2019), the associated Ofsted improvement plan that must be implemented and the press release that were attached as appendices to the report.


2.            Approve £375k investment in Children’s Social Care to enable the service to deliver the actions identified in the Ofsted improvement plan. The investment this year would be funded through risk reserves while the permanent investment of £375k in 2020/21 would be managed through the medium-term financial plan process. A review would be completed over the next 6 months to identify where further permanent investment was needed, this would be agreed with the Cabinet Member and presented to the October/November Cabinet.


Reason: NOTED, that an annual conversation was expected with Ofsted in December 2019 to track progress following the full inspection (March 2019). This would be followed in quick succession by either a 2-day focused visit or a 4-week Joint Targeted Area Inspection. Through additional investment, the service would be able to deliver on the Ofsted improvement plan, firm up the strong foundations in social care and further hone the trajectory of continuous improvement. Ensuring that Enfield  Council delivers a high quality, safe service to children and families that meets regulatory expectations.

(Key decision – reference number 4913)

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