Agenda item


To receive the report of the Director of Public Health ‘Health Protection Forum Annual Report’ on the functions and priorities of the HPF; and the Influenza Vaccination Update.


RECEIVED the report of Stuart Lines (Director of Public Health).




This was the first report of the Health Protection Forum (HPF) to this Board. Dr Tha Han’s introduction of the report highlighted:

  The HPF included all the key partners in Enfield dealing with health protection in a collaborative way. The Forum’s terms of reference were set out in Appendix 2 of the report.

  Examples were given of areas discussed during the year.

  Immunisation and vaccination was an issue in Enfield across all age groups and across all vaccines. However, staff flu vaccination was improving and was one of the best levels in London.

  Healthcare acquired infection in Enfield was always below the England average.

  Antibiotic stewardship was also promoted and the use of antibiotics in Enfield was a decreasing trend.


IN RESPONSE comments and questions were received, including:

1.    Staff flu vaccination rates needed to be sustained and promotion continued.

2.    Stuart Lines confirmed that HPF was an important forum for bringing together partners including NHS England, the CCG, and acute care providers in joined up working and close relationship with the local authority and emergency planning.

3.    The presentation of the information to Health and Wellbeing Board could be improved, such as in a dashboard for a quick overview.

4.    The report was welcomed, and it was noted that there were similar forums across North Central London, and opportunities to benchmark with neighbours and share good practice.


AGREED that Health and Wellbeing Board provided comments and noted the functions and priorities of the HPF.


Dr Tha Han introduced the separate report which provided an influenza vaccination update, as an issue which the Chair of Health and Wellbeing Board had asked to be looked at carefully. Unfortunately apart from staff flu vaccination, Enfield vaccination rates were poor and a solution was needed to improve the current situation. A workshop was scheduled on 24 June 2019 with partners across sectors in respect of improving immunisation in Enfield.


IN RESPONSE comments and questions were received, including:

5.    There had been some vaccine stock supply problems last winter which had caused inconvenience, which should not be repeated.

6.    The low take-up rates for flu vaccination were disappointing and serious, and needed more force and focus on improvement. Higher uptake rates would improve unnecessary illness among vulnerable people and reduce the burden on A&E in winter.

7.    Reasons for low take-up were discussed, including the influence of social media, and resistance to vaccination in some groups and communities, but it was important to accelerate action and share good practice.

8.    Enfield CCG was working with GP practices which did not meet the targets, and working with patients through forums such as the Over 50’s Forum to educate patients about the importance of flu vaccination and dispel misinformation.

9.    Other Board partners would also promote the messages about flu vaccination.

10. Improved access to vaccination was discussed, such as promotion and provision at luncheon clubs or playgroups where there was a high level of trust, and without the need to travel to a surgery.

11. There should be a single action plan across organisations, which was monitored to make sure it was delivered.

12. It was advised that all immunisation programmes were commissioned by NHS England, and that it was important that all age groups were considered, including the under 5’s.

13. The Chair requested an action plan to be presented to the Board at the next meeting.

ACTION:  Stuart Lines / HPF


AGREED that Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB):

(1)  Noted the performance in influenza vaccination in Enfield in comparison to London and England.

(2)  Encouraged HWB members to actively work towards improving the influenza vaccine uptake under National immunisation programme, and to support the work to sustain the staff flu vaccine uptake.

Supporting documents: