Agenda item


A report from the Executive Director – Resources is attached. (Non key)

(Report No.44)

(7.45 – 7.50 pm)


Councillor Ian Barnes (Deputy Leader) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Resources (No.44) presenting the quarterly report on the new Corporate Performance Scorecard.




1.            Members’ thanks and appreciation of the officers involved in compiling the performance data as set out in the report.


2.            That many of the performance indicators were on track. There were four specific areas of concern which were currently being addressed through detailed action plans and close working with the officers involved. The areas were in relation to planning applications; temporary accommodation; sickness levels; and, complaints, Members’ enquiries and freedom of information requests. The detailed actions were set out in the appendix to the report.


3.            In relation to Customer Experience, a significant staffing re-structure had been undertaken, staff training was also being undertaken and, it was anticipated that performance would improve significantly as the new arrangements were implemented. This area of performance would continue to be closely monitored.


4.            The indicators in relation to housing, and the significant work currently being undertaken by the Council in the development of a range of Housing Strategies in order to improve housing provision and reduce homelessness and temporary accommodation issues. Reference was also made to the Cabinet’s previous decision regarding responsive repairs, Minute No.18 below refers.


5.            The indicators in relation to safeguarding were noted together with the Council’s investment in this area.


6.            The indicator regarding serious youth violence together with the Council’s investment to tackle this issue of concern.


7.            The significant work which had been undertaken to improve the Council’s performance regarding planning applications. Several new staffing appointments had been made. The value of training and retaining staff was noted and encouraged. Good progress was being made and thanks were extended to the officers involved.


8.            The significant work being undertaken in relation to housing provision, and the reports that would be presented to future Cabinet meetings for consideration. The Council’s priorities were highlighted concerning housing growth, tackling homelessness, reducing reliance on temporary accommodation and providing good quality, affordable housing within the Borough. It was noted that poverty was a key driver of homelessness in Enfield. The range of initiatives and work in progress were outlined at the meeting. The Council’s priorities were reiterated and discussed.


9.            That reducing the reliance on the use of temporary accommodation and the provision of good quality housing would support the development of strong communities in the Borough and support good public health.


10.         In response to questions raised, the detailed actions being undertaken in relation to customer service were discussed including the staff restructure and training to drive up performance and raise the long-term resilience of the team.


11.         The target in relation to Section 106 agreements closed within six months of the date of the resolution and the improvements required. Members were advised that the legal staffing requirements were currently being addressed in order to improve capacity, and so meet the significant work necessary to complete such agreements within the period specified.


Alternative Options Considered: Not to report regularly on the Council’s performance. This would make it difficult to assess progress made on achieving the Council’s main priorities and to demonstrate the value for money being provided by council services.  


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to note, for information only, the progress being made towards achieving the identified key priorities for Enfield.


Reason: To update Cabinet on the progress made against all key priority performance indicators for the Council.

(Non key)

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