Agenda item

Response to Climate Change Emergency

A report from the Executive Director – Place is attached.


Councillor Nesil Caliskan (Leader of the Council) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Place (No.57) responding to the climate change emergency.




1.            That this was an important item for the Cabinet’s consideration and responded to the climate change emergency as set out in detail in the report. Members’ noted the recent campaign and activities that had been taking place to highlight the issue.


2.            The report set out the Council’s proposals for moving forward. It was noted that Enfield had already introduced a number of positive initiatives detailed in the report, but it was recognised that more still needed to be done to address the serious matter of climate change.


3.            The recommendation to establish a Climate Emergency Task Force comprising of officers and Members. As part of this it was intended to update the Sustainable Enfield Plan by 2020 and submit it to a future Cabinet meeting for approval. It was proposed to make a commitment to make Enfield council carbon neutral by 2030, or earlier if possible.


4.            A detailed discussion followed and Members raised a number of points for clarification and further information including the issues set out below.


5.            It was noted that Councillor Nesil Caliskan (Leader of the Council) and Councillor Ian Barnes (Deputy Leader) had recently met with representatives of Extinction Rebellion. The meeting had been constructive and their aims and concerns had been discussed. The proposed Task Force, to be led by Councillor Barnes, would give further detailed consideration to a number of matters that had been discussed; including a proposed Climate Summit to be held in Enfield later in the year. Members recognised the issues that needed to be addressed and the further work required.


6.            The Council’s role in promoting and facilitating educational programmes for the Borough utilising the Borough’s network of Schools and engaging with school children and young people on influencing future behaviours.


7.            The criticism that the Council had received previously when implementing a number of issues that would have a positive effect on climate change, such as Cycle Enfield. Other Council initiatives included the introduction of rain gardens and a comprehensive tree planting programme, both of which had a number of benefits for the environment.


8.            That it was important to have short term goals alongside a number of initiatives that would have long-term effects.


9.            That sustainable transport would be a key issue for the Borough including the need to ensure that Enfield had a well-connected public transport system. Such issues would be considered as part of appropriate Borough plans in order to reduce emissions and, promote a healthier environment. The positive results on levels of air pollution as a result of tree planting and “green walls” was highlighted.


10.         The national initiatives that were being promoted, for example tree planting on farms, and the need for the Council to explore all funding options available in support of the implementation of the aims and objectives outlined in the report.


11.         In response to questions raised, Members were advised of the Council’s planning policies and requirements of new developments regarding sustainable issues.


12.         The financial implications of the proposals as set out in section 6.1 of the report. All detailed initiatives would be fully costed and subject to financial due diligence. Members recognised the importance of addressing climate change issues.


13.         An action that had been taken world-wide recently by school children. Members highlighted the importance of tackling climate change for the benefit of future generations. The public health issues were recognised. The proposals would also support the Borough’s Health and Well-being Strategy.


14.         A discussion took place on future sustainable energy options for the Borough and Members asked that such issues be considered as part of the continuing development of the Borough’s Local Plan. Issues highlighted included wind turbines, water power and solar panels. Members were advised of studies that had taken place previously which could be refreshed in the light of recent developments and changing technology. Members were reminded of the role that Energetik had in the provision of sustainable energy within the Borough. All forms of renewable energy would continue to be considered in moving forward.


15.         The role that the Council had in leading Borough-wide initiatives and seeking to influence others for the benefit of Enfield’s residents. The Council had successfully reduced its carbon footprint. It was noted that this in part had been the result of a consolidation of the Council’s property portfolio. Developments in energy efficiency had also had a positive benefit. Members’ attention was drawn to paragraph 3.8 of the report. The calculation of the carbon emissions reduction was a Government statistic.


16.         That the proposals for the introduction of LED street lighting in the Borough would result in a reduction in the Borough’s carbon footprint and achieve financial savings. This was also the case for the proposed changes to the Borough’s waste collection services which sought to increase the Borough’s recycling rates and so reduce Enfield’s carbon footprint further.


17.         The significant funding investment programme in the Council’s housing stock which would include consideration of improving the energy efficiency of the housing.


18.         The proposed Task Force would consider further all related issues as set out in the report and highlighted by Members.


19.         The detailed recommendations in the report as reflected in the decisions below. It was noted that there was also a motion on this matter due to be debated at the Council meeting scheduled to take place on 10 July 2019. Members noted that this was not a party political matter and it was hoped that this report and its proposals would be supported across the Council as a whole.


20.         An amendment to recommendation 2.4 of the report, to recommend to Council that the Pension, Policy and Investment Committee implement the recommendation as set out in the report and listed in decision 4 below.


21.         That the Cabinet would be signing a declaration in support of their commitment to the climate change emergency. It was noted however, that the decisions of Cabinet would be subject to call-in and would not be implemented until the call-in period had passed.


Alternative Options Considered: NOTED, the alternative options considered as set out in section 4 of the report.


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to


1.            Approve the Council in joining other local authorities to declare a “climate emergency” that required urgent action.


2.            Approve, for recommendation to Council, a commitment to make Enfield Council carbon neutral by 2030 – or earlier if possible – and undertaking to move all strategic, budgetary and policy decisions in line with this shift.


3.            Establish a Climate Emergency Task Force of officers and members to determine how to achieve this target and to explore what more could be done to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the Council’s operations and supply chain, as well as across the borough, and to:

·         Update the Sustainable Enfield plan by 2020 and submit it to Cabinet for approval.

·         Involve all our partners, but especially the Youth Parliament, in updating the plan.


4.            Recommend to Council that the Pension Policy and Investment Committee that they consider revisions to the policy on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) within its Investment Strategy Statement. The new policy would require the Fund to review its holdings in companies ensuring they do contribute towards a de-carbonised economy. In particular, the Fund should continue to actively reduce its holdings in fossil fuel companies over a planned period of time.


Reason: NOTED, the detailed reasons for the recommendations as set out in section 5 of the report, including, the presence of a collective commitment to tackling climate change would create a Council-wide policy driver to focus projects and speed delivery. 

(Key decision – reference number 4950/U207)

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