Agenda item


A report from the Executive Director – Resources is attached. (Non key)

                        (Report No.98)

(7.20 – 7.25 pm)


Councillor Ian Barnes (Deputy Leader of the Council) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Resources (No.98) presenting the quarter one performance for 2019/20.




1.            Councillor Barnes’ thanks to the officers involved for the collation and presentation of the performance data as set out in the report and its appendices. Appendix 1 of the report set out the quarter one performance for 2019/20 and, Appendix 2 focused on the areas that had been highlighted as being areas of concern given longer term trends. These areas had detailed action plans and were regularly reviewed and monitored.


2.            A detailed discussion followed on specific indicators highlighted by the Cabinet Members within their areas of responsibility, as summarised in the points below.


3.            In relation to Customer Experience, it was noted that the staffing restructure in this area was close to completion and the performance indicators had been improving following the recruitment and training of staff, as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report.


4.            That the previous investment in Children’s Social Care, agreed by Cabinet in July 2019, had resulted in significant practice improvements as detailed in the performance indicators relating to safeguarding children. All actions linked to the four recommendations within the previous Ofsted improvement plan had now been delivered. In addition, despite an increase in activity, there had been a marked and sustained improvement in practice regarding assessment timescales. Currently over 90% of assessments were being completed within statutory timescales compared to 74% in March 2019. In addition, 94% of the strategy discussions on child protection investigations had been held in a timely manner despite a significant increase in activity. The previous investment decision had had positive results as detailed.


5.            In further discussion, Members were advised that the additional funding for Children’s Social Care had had a remarkable effect on staff morale and the retention of high calibre staff. The pressures still existed but the clear aim of the service was to continue to provide high quality work and achieve manageable workloads for staff. The performance indicators provided a guide to the level of service provision; in addition, regular six weekly audits were undertaken on case files to ensure quality levels were maintained.


6.            The improvement in performance in several of the Adult Social Care indicators, as set out in Appendix 1 of the report, were noted. It was anticipated that the performance relating to the number of adults receiving secondary mental health services in employment would improve following the award of a new contract for this area of provision.


7.            Members were advised of the measures being taken to address the number of households living in temporary accommodation. The demand for the homelessness service continued, which was a London-wide trend. Officers were currently focused on assessing the backlog of applications. The Council’s development of the Council’s housing strategies including prevention of homelessness was continuing and further measures were being implemented to reduce the reliance on temporary accommodation as outlined in previous reports to the Cabinet. The Government would continue to be lobbied for the provision of adequate funding. The role of the Enfield Voluntary Sector in preventing homelessness was also outlined.


8.            The gradual improvements that were being made in the area of recovering housing benefit overpayments. The actions being taken, and the difficulties faced, were outlined to Members.


9.            The indicators in relation to Planning and the detailed actions set out in Appendices 1 and 2 of the report. Members noted the issues in relation to the recruitment and retention of the required staffing levels to meet demand. This area would continue to be closely monitored. Appreciation was expressed for the hard work of the Council’s existing staff. The difficulties and delays faced in processing applications were outlined to Members.


Alternative Options Considered: Not to report regularly on the Council’s performance. This would make it difficult to assess progress made on achieving the Council’s main priorities and to demonstrate the value for money being provided by council services.


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to note, for information only, the progress being made towards achieving the identified key priorities for Enfield.


Reason: To update Cabinet on the progress made against all key priority performance indicators for the Council.

(Non key)

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