Agenda item


To receive a verbal update.


Councillor Ian Barnes (Deputy Leader) provided the Cabinet with a verbal update on the work being undertaken by the Council’s Brexit Panel of which he was Chair. Councillor Ian Barnes also tabled the risk register. He updated Cabinet that the Brexit Panel was originally chaired by the previous Deputy Leader. The risk register previously was only 7 pages long. Over the past few weeks Councillor Barnes had worked with officers to update the risk register department by department. Current risk register is 47 pages and now comprehensive.


NOTED the following points raised in discussion:


1.            The continued uncertainty around Brexit including the actions of the current Government and the negative impact on the economy and EU citizens.


2.            The work being undertaken in safeguarding the future of EU residents living in Enfield by the Council in conjunction with the Citizens Advice Service. Outreach sessions were being held to reach EU residents in their own communities to raise awareness of their need to apply for settled status. Advice and assistance was being provided in completing the necessary registration applications so that they can continue to remain in Enfield post Brexit. Such residents were required to register by the Government deadline of 31 December 2020 but were being encouraged to register as soon as possible.


3.            That as part of the increased communications campaign in the Borough, Councillor Nesil Caliskan as Leader of the Council and Councillor Ian Barnes as Deputy Leader, had written to approximately 21,000 EU residents in the Borough to encourage the required registration to take place.


4.            The Council had prepared a comprehensive risk register. The need for a glossary of terms of abbreviations used was noted.


5.            There would be additional emergency Gold Commands in place the week before and after 31 October 2019.


6.            The close work being undertaken with the Citizens Advice Bureau, particular thanks and appreciation were expressed to the Enfield Chief Executive, Jill Harrison for her considerable efforts. The Council was supporting the CAB with additional resources as and when necessary.


7.            That the Home Office would not currently release the figures to the Council of the number of EU residents in Enfield who had already registered for settled status.


8.            The potential negative impact of Brexit on the supply of goods, on the provision of social care, and on businesses in general.


9.            In conclusion, Councillor Caliskan, reiterated the significance of Brexit and its potential effects on the Borough and its residents. Thanks were expressed to the Brexit Panel, under the leadership of Councillor Barnes, for their valuable and detailed work which would continue. The potential risks of a no deal Brexit were highlighted, including the potential impact on the work force delivering adult social care. The Council would continue to seek to mitigate the risks to the Borough’s residents. Communications would continue with hard to reach EU residents and communities and the Council would work closely with its partners. The work being undertaken by London Councils was highlighted.


10.         Members expressed their concern at the poor communications from Central Government and the apparent disregard of the impact on London and its residents. The Cabinet condemned the appalling conduct of the Prime Minister and the actions which he had taken to suspend Parliament which had been ruled unlawful by Scotland’s highest civil court. Members reiterated their concerns at the potential harmful impact on Brexit.