Agenda item

Management of the Green Belt

A report of the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources is attached.  This report advises on the outcomes of a review undertaken by an independent consultant in response to concerns about the management of the Green Belt. The report recognises the pressures now faced being placed on the Green Belt; the fact that the management of the Green Belt has been under-resourced, and the problems that this has allowed to develop. A series of actions are recommended, including the securing of expert external management of the Council’s Green Belt Estate.

 (Non – key)


Councillor Lavender introduced the report of the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources (No. 180) advising on the outcomes of a review undertaken by an independent consultant in response to concerns about the management of the Green Belt. The report recognised the pressures now faced being placed on the Green Belt; the fact that the management of the Green Belt has been under-resourced, and the problems that this has allowed to develop. A series of actions are recommended, including the securing of expert external management of the Council’s Green Belt Estate.




1.         The comments of Councillors Dey and Dreblow the ward Councillors regarding the numerous problems over recent years in managing the green belt and ensuring compliance with landlord and planning responsibilities.  Both Councillors were supportive of the proposal to externalise this element of the property management service.  They felt that the lack off consistent enforcement had led to a deterioration of the borough’s green belt particularly in the Crews Hill area.


2.            Councillor Lavender advised that one of the residents at South Barvin had contacted the Council with observations on the report. He felt it was reasonable to record those observations that are set out below:


The first concerns the reference in the consultants report on page 36 to traffic levels when the resident has pointed out that a later survey than the one used by the consultant records a much higher number of vehicles moving into the site in the busiest hour between 8 and 9 am on weekdays. The survey used by the consultant refers to 87 vehicles in the busiest half-hour.


The second point raised relates to the consultants findings on page 37 regarding boundary disputes. The resident does not accept the position as described relating to the rear boundary fence but does agree that he is happy with the current position of those fences.


3.         The view of Councillor Rye that the externalised management company should report to Members on a quarterly basis.


Alternative Options:


As considered as part of the review undertaken by the independent consultant.



1.                  To approve implementation of the actions detailed in the summary of the consultant’s report in Appendix A.


2.         To approve engaging an external consultant to:

a.             Take immediate conduct of the management of the Green Belt portfolio.

b.             Make proposals on engagement of an external company to undertake the longer term management of this estate.


3.         To note the assurances of improved performance with regard to the collection of Business Rates and Planning Enforcement within the Green Belt estate.


4.         To note compliance with the Audit Commission’s recommendations that the Council improve its processes to enable business rate amendments resulting from changes to planning permissions to be identified and actioned on a timely basis.


5.         To recommend to the Constitution Review Group that the scope and terms of reference of the Green Belt Forum be reviewed.

Reasons: To determine the way forward for the future management of the Councils Green Belt Estate.

(Non – key)

Supporting documents: