Agenda item

Corporate Property Investment Programme (CPIP)

A report from the Executive Director – Place is attached. This report includes an appendix containing exempt information which should be considered in conjunction with the part one report. (Key decision – reference number 5006)

 (Report No.214)



Councillor Mary Maguire (Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Place (No.214) outlining the Corporate Property Investment Programme (CPIP).




1.            The content of the appendix containing exempt information in considering the report and the decisions set out below.


2.            That Enfield Council’s Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) for 2019-2024 had been approved by the Cabinet in June 2019. In January 2019 the Council had agreed to the creation of a Corporate Property Investment Programme to support the delivery of the SAMP.


3.            That the CPIP was a centralised programme of capital investment focused on ensuring that operational properties best meet the needs of the council and its customers; comply with legislation; and, investment properties deliver maximum revenue returns.


4.            That the Council had brought together the assessment of future operational property needs, the progress of cultural change to support collaborative and agile working and development of supporting new technology together under a programme called Build the Change, as set out in detail in the report.


5.            The detailed projects and funding requirements set out in sections 3.5 and 3.6 of the report.


6.            The first wave of projects seeking approval as detailed in section 3.10.5 of the report, including the relocation of Housing/Homelessness Services from John Wilkes House to Edmonton Green to create a Housing Hub. In addition, the relocation of Children’s and Youth Services from Charles Babbage House, Claverings and Triangle House into Thomas Hardy House to create a Children’s Services Hub.


7.            That the theatre, café and shop at the Dugdale Centre would remain in operation. It was noted that a number of community groups currently rented space in Thomas Hardy House who would be displaced by the proposed moves. The Council was supporting those affected to identify alternative venues in the Borough.


8.            The proposals in relation to the general fund residential properties portfolio (section 3.11 of the report); the rural estate portfolio (section 3.12 of the report); and, the parks assets portfolio (section 3.12 of the report).


9.            Members welcomed the proposal to create a Children’s Services Hub and noted the benefits of doing so. Ofsted also supported the hub model to provide the most effective service provision. The current difficulties faced by both staff and users in accessing services in the present locations were discussed and noted. Thomas Hardy House would be an accessible location and would support further improvements in service outcomes and productivity. It would also enhance the recruitment and retention of staff. Members were informed of the significant number of children and carers who accessed Children’s Services; the creation of the Children’s Services Hub would improve the experience of users. The changes would support Ofsted recommendations and the recruitment and retention of key staff.


10.         The income generated at the Dugdale Centre and the financial implications of relocating staff as set out in the report. The move a  significant number of staff to the centre of Enfield Town would also benefit the local retail economy.


11.         The benefits of creating a Housing Hub and moving staff out of John Wilkes House were discussed. This would provide a better environment for both staff and service users, create operational benefits and support positive service outcomes. The location of a significant number of staff at Edmonton Green would also support the local economy. The moves would bring together a range of housing services in a central location in addition to the proposed creation of three community housing hubs in the Borough, as previously agreed by Cabinet. Members welcomed the proposals and noted the positive benefits.


Alternative Options Considered: NOTED, the alternative options which had been considered: Retain but do not invest in the Council’s property assets; Dispose of the Council’s property assets for purely capital receipt, so that investment was not required (as detailed in full in section 4 of the report).


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to


1.            Note the allocations in the Council’s approved Capital Programme of £5.91m in 2020/21 and £11.584m in 2021/22.


2.            Agree to commit £5.200m in 2020/21 and £8.084m in 2021/22 against the approved programme to deliver those parts of the Corporate Property Investment Programme (CPIP) as set out in the report.


3.            Delegate authority to the Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement to approve variations to projects within the CPIP allocation for 2020/21 and 2021/22.


4.            Agree in principle to the disposal of John Wilkes House and Charles Babbage House once they were surplus to operational property requirements.


5.            Delegate the method of sale and the approval of terms of sale to the Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement in consultation with the Director of Property and Economy and the Executive Director – Resources.


6.            Delegate authority to the Director of Property and Economy in consultation with the Executive Director – Resources, to procure consultants and contractors in accordance with Contract Procedure Rules as necessary to deliver the programme.


Reason: To enable a block programme of investment in the Council’s property assets for 2020/21 and 2021/22, ensuring compliance with the Corporate Landlord Policy, and delivering asset and income optimisation, in support of the implementation of the Council’s Strategic Asset Management Plan. To enable a longer-term approach to capital investment in the Council’s assets, supporting further analysis, business case development and financial modelling to create a 10-year plan for the CPIP. To ensure savings and income identified in the Medium Term Financial Plan could be delivered. To enable investment in the Council’s property estate, which would create savings, increase income and/or produce capital receipts where appropriate.

(Key decision – reference number 5006)

Supporting documents: