Agenda item

20/00112/RE4 - Land Opposite 1A and 1B Towpath Road, London, N18 3QX

RECOMMENDATION:  In accordance with Regulation 4 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992, planning permission be deemed to be Granted subject to conditions

WARD:  Upper Edmonton





1.    The introduction by Sharon Davidson, Planning Decisions Manager, clarifying the proposals and highlighting the key issues.

2.    There are three applications on the agenda this evening and all are interrelated.

Firstly, by way of context it is important to set out what the development plan says about the role of and expectations for Meridian Water.

3.    Meridian Water lies within the boundary of the Edmonton Leeside Area Action Plan (ELAAP) and is a priority area for regeneration, jobs and housing. It is a long-established opportunity area through Enfield’s Core Strategy, the London Plan and the Upper Lee Valley Opportunity Area Framework. The Core Strategy and ELAAP identify the site as being able to accommodate around 5000 homes and 1500 new jobs.  So far, planning permission has been granted for 725 homes on the Phase 1 site. The Phase 2 application before you, proposes up to a further 2300 and therefore well within the capacity identified through the plan process for this site.

4.    It is recognised in the ELAAP that additional growth in housing, jobs and supporting services at Meridian Water will lead to higher densities and building heights. To achieve this change, the transport infrastructure of the area must be transformed with a focus on improved public transport accessibility and connectivity.

The plan identifies the need for:

·         relocation of the station;

·         a more frequent and comprehensive bus service

·         a network of walking and cycling routes that enable better connectivity across       MW;

·         a transformed road network that includes a new route over the River Lee Navigation.

5.    The ELAAP identifies a Central Spine Corridor within which a new east -west spine road will sit.

6.    ELAAP recognises that at MW there are currently very limited areas of open space with poor public access to recreational spaces and waterways. The Plan therefore recognises that development here must deliver a network of open spaces that can provide visual and leisure amenity. Whilst it is clear that a new housing and employment development must be supported by appropriate open space and play space, it is recognised that MW is constrained in terms of accommodating open and green spaces within the development boundary and meeting the housing and job targets, due to the limited availability of land. The development therefore needs to make provision in proportion to the quantum of development proposed and also look to improvements to the accessibility and quality of existing open space. An indicative green network is provided in the ELAAP and this included at p 54 of your report pack.

7.    MW is crossed by two brooks, one canalised river and an overflow channel. Fluvial flood risk is therefore a key consideration to the development of the site – parts of the site are located in Flood Zone 2 and 3. In conjunction with the green infrastructure, waterways must be managed to ensure MW resilience to climate change, bringing benefits to immediate communities and the wider region. The plan requires that all developments must be safe from flooding and must not increase the flood risk elsewhere. Adequate flood risk mitigation measures must be in place for any development prior to the loss of any existing flood storage associated with the development. This may include the early provision of strategic area-wide flood compensation where appropriate, or compensation may be provided on a phased basis, providing no net reduction in flood volumes occurs during or after development.

8.    Moving on [to this application], this is for the installation of a low-level flood restraint barrier adjacent to towpath road. This work is linked to the flood alleviation work contained in the SIW application.

9.    The refined flood modelling work demonstrated that flood water displacement and compensation measures proposed would result in a small increase in the flood level south of the proposed spine road. This results in slightly increased depths on towpath road (maximum 21mm). In order to mitigate this, this application proposes a flood barrier extending approximately 170m south of the central spine road.

10.The flood mitigation strategy proposed within the SIW and including this additional measure are supported by the Environment Agency who are satisfied that the development will not lead to an increase in flood risk and that adequate flood storage compensation can be provided.

11. Members’ debate and questions responded to by officers.

12.During the discussion, Councillor Rye raised concern regarding the impact elsewhere due to the consequence of works and re-assurance as regards the flood barrier not being substantial and was responded to by officers.

13. The unanimous support of the Committee for the officers’ recommendation.


AGREED that in accordance with Regulation 4 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992, planning permission be deemed to be Granted subject to conditions.





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