Agenda item

19/03624/VAR - ALMA ESTATE, EN3

RECOMMENDATION:  That subject to referral of the application to the Greater London Authority and the completion of a Deed of Variation to the Section 106 Agreement, the Head of Development Management / Planning Decisions Manager be authorised to Grant planning permission subject to conditions

WARD:  Ponders End





1.    The introduction by Sharon Davidson, Planning Decisions Manager, clarifying the proposals and highlighting the key issues.

2.    There are two applications on the agenda relating to the Alma redevelopment.

The first is an application to amend the parameters of the existing outline planning permission – the S73 application.

The second is the reserved matters application for Phases 2A and 4. This application deals with the details of the buildings – design, height, layout, landscaping etc for these particular phases, pursuant to the parameters that are set out in the outline planning permission.

3.    Outline planning permission was granted in June 2017 for the redevelopment of the Alma Estate. This outline planning permission included a number of conditions that controlled the quantum of development, the development zones, the heights of buildings across the development, the parking ratio etc. Through this outline permission a total of 993 units are permitted.

4.    This application seeks to amend the scheme consented and in so doing amend some of the conditions attached to the permission.

The main amendments are:

·         Increase in the number of residential units by 93 (from 993 to 1086)

·         Increase in the heights of some of the blocks in Phases 2A and 4 (slides referenced and explained)

·         Amendments to the parking ratio from 0.6 to 0.4

·         Amendment to the footprint an layout of buildings, particularly Phase 4

·         Minor changes to the retail floorspace and development zones.

5.    Affordable housing was secured at 40% within the existing S106 Agreement linked to the outline planning permission. This remains the case, although the second Alma application on the agenda, details how more affordable housing is to be brought forward into these earlier phases.

6.    The GLA have been consulted on the application and although the principle of development is supported, they have advised that the application does not yet fully comply with the London Plan and the Intend to Publish London Plan, in respect of a number of matters of detail. The further information they have requested to cover these matters of detail are set out in the report:

·         Tenant relocation strategy – p.29 para 7.2.5

·         Further detail on the energy strategy – this has been provided to the GLA under the consultation on the reserved matters application. The response to the GLA’s comments on this are set out at P.29, para 7.2.6

·         Further detail on the transport assessment, although this has since been   addressed by TfL in their detailed comments that are set out in the report at       p.30.

Overall, the amendments proposed through this S73 application are supported.

7.    Additional item to report:

·         Cllr Taylor has asked that we ensure fire safety arrangements are fully considered and requests clarity on how any the future of any viability surplus would be determined.

8.    The deputation of John Williams, neighbouring resident, speaking against the application.

9.    The deputation of Greg Blaquiere, Agent, speaking for the application.

10.During discussion, Members raised concerns regarding the quantum of development and the effects arising from this on the daylight / sunlight available to neighbouring properties and therefore the residential amenities, of neighbouring residential properties, The Mayor of London objections to the plans and the new London Plan that strengthened objections raised, no change to public space but an increase in the development density, playing field sizes and tree planting on the site.

11. Members’ debate and questions responded to by officers.

12.Councillor Rye raised concern about phase 4 of the application due to intensification of the development, effect on residents in Alma Road and the detrimental effect on amenities of neighbouring properties. Further discussion was required and made a motion for deferral of the application which was seconded by Councillor Bond.

13. The unanimous support of the Committee for the application to be deferred.


AGREED that the application be deferred.





Supporting documents: