Agenda item

19/03624/VAR - Alma Estate, EN3

RECOMMENDATION:  That subject to referral of the application to the Greater London Authority and the completion of a Deed of Variation to the Section 106 Agreement, the Head of Development Management / Planning Decisions Manager be authorised to Grant planning permission subject to conditions

WARD:  Ponders End




1.    Councillor Anolue missed the introduction, and was therefore unable to discuss and vote on the item.

2.    The introduction by Sharon Davidson, Planning Decisions Manager, clarifying the proposals and highlighting the key issues and additional information provided since the previous deferral.

3.   This application was reported to 21st April Planning Committee when Members deferred consideration largely because of concerns relating to the impact of the proposed development on the Phase 4 site on the amenities of adjoining residents.

4.   Firstly, to refresh Members on the changes proposed through this application to the existing outline planning permission before focusing on the impacts of these changes on the amenities of adjoining residents.

5.   Outline planning permission was granted in 2017 for the redevelopment of the site to provide 993 homes in blocks ranging in height between 2 and 16 storeys. The development was to be taken forward on phased basis.

An outline planning permission sets the parameters within which the development can come forward identifying and key things like build zones, access routes, landscape strategy, the quantum and mix of development etc. It does not fix the detailed design and appearance of buildings.

6.   When the outline planning permission was granted, the Borough’s housing target was moving from 560-798 units per year. The 2019 Intend to Publish London Plan is suggesting a housing target of 1250 units/year. It is in the context of a significant increase in housing demand that schemes are being reviewed to ensure all sites are optimised.

7.   This application seeks to vary the parameters of the outline planning permission. The details of the proposed changes are set out on pages 11 and 12 of the report. Essentially, the proposal is to increase the number of dwellings proposed from 993 to 1086 and in so doing ament the building height parameters of development with Phases 2A and 4.

8.   Following deferral of the application, the applicant has not amended the scheme but has provided additional information to demonstrate the impact of the development now proposed on the amenities of adjoining residents in comparison with the development already consented through the 2017 outline planning permission.

9.   It is recognised that, as with any development, there will be an impact. This impact needs to be balanced against the benefits arising from the scheme. It is Officers view that the impact of the development now proposed has been minimised and this this limited additional impact is outweighed by the benefits that the scheme will deliver in terms of increased housing units , the bringing forward of affordable housing delivery and an overall improvement to the quality of the local environment and public realm.

10. The deputation of John Williams (neighbouring resident) speaking against the officers’ recommendation.

11. The statement of Councillor Doug Taylor, Ponders End Ward Councillor.

12. The statement of Councillor Ayfer Orhan, Ponders End Ward Councillor.

13. The response of Greg Blaquiere, Terence O’Rourke (Agent).

14. Members’ debate and questions responded to by officers.

15. Members’ concerns in relation to bulk and massing, relationship to the surrounding area, intensification, and relationship with public space.

16. The Committee did not support the officers’ recommendation: 5 votes against and 2 abstentions. Councillor Hasan was unable to be contacted at the time of voting.

17. Councillor Yusuf’s proposal, seconded by Councillor Rye, that a decision on the application be deferred for the reasons discussed.

18. The unanimous support of the Committee for the application to be deferred.


AGREED that the application be deferred.

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