Agenda item

18/00646/FUL - 32 Waggon Road and Land Rear of 30 Waggon Road, Barnet, EN4 0HL

RECOMMENDATION:  That the Head of Development Management /the Planning Decisions Manager be authorised to Grant planning permission subject to conditions.

WARD:  Cockfosters




1.    The introduction by David Gittens, Planning Decisions Manager, clarifying the proposals and highlighting the key issues and additional information provided since the previous deferral.

2.   Additional correspondence objecting to this application was received after the committee report was published from residents at 26 Waggon Road and 34 Waggon Road.

3.   This case was originally reported to the meeting of Planning Committee on 21st January 2020. It was resolved to defer determination of this application pending a site visit. This resolution was in response to a number of points that were raised in terms of the relationship of the proposed development to the boundary, the relationship to neighbouring properties and their amenity (in terms of overlooking and loss of privacy) and the impact on the character of the area and the access.

4.   The site visit took place on Saturday 1st August 2020

5.   The report sets out the key issues in the assessment of the planning application which proposes the erection of three two storey five bedroom dwelling houses on existing garden land in association with the demolition and reconstruction of No 30 Waggon Road, forming one of the existing properties, in association with the creation of a new access off Waggon Road.

6.   The development constitutes a back-land development site utilising the rear gardens of No 30 and No 32 Waggon road. As part of the development, No. 32 Waggon Road would be demolished and reconstructed; it being sited on the western boundary adjacent the boundary with No 34 Waggon Road. The eastern side of No 32 Waggon Road site would provide the access road for the three dwelling houses at the rear of site, permitting independent access to plots 2, 3 and 4. 

7.   Although talking of back land, we are talking about gardens of considerable proportions in excess of 100 metres.  To give some perspective. At over 100 metres in length, the building known as Centrepoint Soho could comfortably fit into this garden.

8.   The rear boundary of the site is formed by Monken Mead Brook; a designated main river. Detailed discussions have been held with the Environment Agency and with the SUDs team pertaining to the impact of the development on the brook and surface water drainage. The site is not within a designated Flood Zone and it is agreed that the effect on neighbouring properties and surface water drainage consideration are acceptable subject to the approved SuDS report and site plans.

9.   The scope of the proposed development has also been considered against historic development along Waggon Road and against relevant national, regional and local planning policy context. The full planning application satisfies overarching planning policy and is considered to be acceptable subject to pre-commencement and pre-occupation planning conditions applied to the site.

10.   It was explained to Members that the proposed houses would be in excess of 55 metres from the rear elevations of the existing houses in Waggon Road and in excess of 45 metres from the rear elevations in houses backing onto Monken Mead Brook in Kingwell Road.

11. The deputation of Kim Ioannides (neighbouring resident) speaking against the officers’ recommendation.

12. The statement of Councillor Alessandro Georgiou, Cockfosters Ward Councillor.

13. The deputation of Pamela Nichols (Alan Nichols unable to make the deputation) speaking against the officers’ recommendation.

14. The response of Mark Mathieson (Agent)

15. Members debate and questions responded to by officers.

16. Members expressed concern at the impact on trees and the impact on land levels around Monken Mead Brook, potential for flooding. to the development being out of character with the area, and the adverse impact on the amenity of neighbouring residents.

17. The Committee refused the officers’ recommendation: 1 vote for, 6 against and 1 abstention.


AGREED that the application be Refused.


Reason: Out of character with the locality and would have an adverse impact upon the amenity of local residents.


Supporting documents: