Agenda item


A report from the Executive Director – Place is attached. Note: Restricted appendix containing exempt information also refers. (Key decision – reference number 5215)


(This item contains exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person – including the authority holding that information) of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended)



Councillor Nesil Caliskan (Leader of the Council) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Place on the progress and delivery of the Upton and Raynham redevelopment scheme.




1.            That approval of this decision would allow progress on the delivery of the redevelopment scheme, as part of the Council’s Building Council Homes for Londoners programme.


2.            The proposals in relation to Beck House as detailed in the report.


3.            That the scheme would significantly increase the supply of both affordable homes and private sale homes in the borough. It would be a significant investment for the Edmonton area and would also provide opportunities for construction jobs for local people.


4.            That the homes would be delivered to the highest possible standard and so provide quality housing options for residents. The development would be in line with other significant regeneration projects in the Borough at Meridian Water and Snells and Joyce.


5.            That the scheme currently proposed the delivery of 90 homes of London Affordable Rent and 60 units for private sale and two commercial units. The development would revitalise the area and provide an improved public realm.


6.            The housing would be provided to a high standard, with 10% being wheelchair accessible, The development would be in line with the aims of the Council’s Plan, the London Plan and would comply with environmental and climate change considerations, as set out in the report.


7.            The proposals set out in the report and detailed in the decisions below.


8.            A discussion followed with a number of questions and points of clarification raised by Cabinet Members, including the issues outlined below.


9.            The scheme was welcomed; it was a significant investment in Edmonton and would provide a range of high-quality housing to suit a variety of needs including a percentage for disabled access, as set out in the report.


10.         That the proposals were at the Concept Design stage, which was explained in detail to the Cabinet. The design and planning proposals would be prepared in consultation with the community. The Local Authority would also need to follow due planning processes as was the case for any developers external to the Council.


11.         In response to a question raised, that it was proposed that 60 units be for private sale, this was necessary to allow the financial viability of the delivery of 90 units for social housing; and, was in line with the strategy to develop schemes of mixed housing tenure that were of high quality and affordable.


12.         The positive regeneration of the area that would result from the scheme. Members were advised of the housing allocation proposals and how the local residents would benefit, as detailed in the report.


13.         That the number of units had been reduced from 174 following discussions with planning officers. The regeneration and planning officers would continue to work together on the final scheme proposals.


14.         The positive public health implications for the local area and community, as detailed in the report. The provision of high-quality housing and improved public realm would help to reduce health inequalities.


Alternative Options Considered: NOTED, the detailed options that had been considered as set out in paragraphs 64 to 67 of the report including: direct delivery; development agreement; development partnership/joint venture; and, disposal.


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to


1.            Approve the allocation of £40.35m from the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) to fund the development of 150 residential units for the Upton and Raynham scheme as per paragraphs 3 to 7 of appendix 3 to the report (containing exempt information). The Cabinet report of 12 February 2020 has approved an overall budget envelope for the development programme. Each proposed scheme would require a report to approve the budget and scheme. A total budget of £43.5m from the HRA capital programme had been identified in the 30-year Business Plan (KD 4969) which Cabinet had agreed on 28 January 2020, to fund the development, land purchases and private treaty negotiations associated with the scheme.


2.            Note that the 150 residential units and 2 commercial units that the scheme would provide represented a reduction from the 174 units that the £43.5m allocation, within the HRA Business Plan, had originally been intended to provide.


3.            Delegate authority to the Director of Housing and Regeneration in consultation with the Executive Director – Resources, for the award of construction work contracts for the demolition and redevelopment of the site, project management and procurement arrangements including operational resourcing, design teams, and appointments for all pre and post contract construction services and the potential submission of a revised planning application.


Reason: To progress the deliver of the redevelopment scheme, as part of the Council’s Building Council Homes for Londoners programme.

(Key decision – reference number 5217)

Supporting documents: