A report from the Executive Director – Resources is attached. (Key decision – reference number 5223)
Councillor Mary Maguire (Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Resources setting out the Council’s future digital transformation programme of work.
1. That the priority of delivering a customer first service, as set out in the report. Further funding was not being sought through this report; the programme of work was included in the Council’s 10-year capital programme and approved digital funding as explained in the report.
2. The detailed proposals set out in paragraph 5 of the report; approval was sought to the realisation of 52 projects and programmes during 2020-2023.
3. The financial information set out in the report and its appendices. Projects had been reviewed and priorities set to ensure the most effective use of funding. A number of the projects, as detailed in the report, were highlighted to Members as summarised in paragraphs 29 to 42 of the report.
4. The robust and detailed governance arrangements set out in the report and Appendix D of the report.
5. That Appendix A to the report set out a clear and detailed project and programme description. Appendix E to the report outlined the achievements to date.
6. That there would be comprehensive training and coaching of staff as appropriate.
7. That this was a thorough and detailed area of work commended to Members for approval.
Alternative Options Considered: NOTED, the detailed options that had been considered as set out in paragraphs 92 and 93 of the report.
DECISION: The Cabinet agreed
1. The realisation of 52 projects and programmes during 2020-2023 as the first tranche of the portfolio as detailed in the report and Appendix A of the report.
2. That the remaining budget of the current ICT capital budget secured via KD 4410 of £2.375m be re-profiled across the existing projects and programmes as detailed in Appendix C, table 1 of the report.
3. To authorise the draw-down of £18.4m from the digital capital budget ringfences via the capital strategy and 10-year capital programme (KD 5026) as a funding stream for the portfolio’s first tranche of projects and programmes between 2020-2023 (Appendix C, table 2 of the report referred).
4. To a further report following the discovery work and business cases for additional capital funding to deliver new critical projects in the Digital Investment Portfolio.
5. To note an allocation of up to £761k use of capital receipts would be included in the Medium-Term Financial Plan to develop business cases for new projects as part of the portfolio’s pipeline and detailed in Appendix A of the report. Note that subject to viable business cases, these projects would require additional capital funding which would be secured via future authority reports to Cabinet and Council.
6. To the progress reporting proposals included in this report regarding the Digital Investment Portfolio.
7. To note the achievements to date of the previous ICT programme as set out in Appendix E of the report.
Reason: NOTED, the detailed reasons for the proposals as set out in paragraphs 6, 7 and 8 of the report. The Digital Investment Portfolio 2020-2030 would support the delivery of the Council’s aims as set out in the Council Plan.
(Key decision – reference number 5223)
Supporting documents: